My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 634: Don't eat meat

Chapter 634 Don’t eat meat

 She is bold in her confession and self-sacrifice.

 A hug, and in a flash, she was already lying on the bed.

 The posture of the man on top and the woman on the bottom is particularly...ambiguous.

kissed her most sensitive ear, just for a moment, and both ears were stained with a layer of red.

Just a little teasing made her feel like a bolt of lightning flashed through her body, sliding away smoothly. It was a very exciting feeling.

"Are you scared?"

 “No, not afraid…”

She was still determined, but in fact, her voice obviously had a little more vibrato.

Ye Xichen put his hands on the bedside and told her, "If you are afraid, we can..."

 “I’m not afraid, come on.”

 Ye Weiwei suddenly closed his eyes, feeling as if he was facing death.

 She had heard Gong Qianli talk too much, and she would die sooner or later.

Bah, bah, bah!

 It’s not that unlucky, but you will experience pain sooner or later. Thinking about it makes you feel better.

"I am suffering now for the future. Anyway, I'm not afraid!" That's what I say on my lips and what I think in my heart, but I can't control my body's reaction.

Even though Ye Xichen was usually so flirtatious, this was actually his first time.

However, the only thing that happened during the night was that it started out strong and then became weak after the main show.

Ye Xichen, on the other hand, remained calm on the surface from beginning to end, pretending to understand and be good at it.

At the critical moment when the gun went off, Ye Weiwei suddenly pointed to the bottom layer of the bedside table and said, "There are other important things."

Ye Xichen reached out to open the drawer and took out a box inside. Isn't it the box of condoms that Gu Li gave to Ye Weiwei at his coming-of-age ceremony last time?

 This thing is necessary for them.

 “Is this what it is?”

Ye Weiyi looked at the small, flat package and bit her lip in embarrassment, "I don't even know what it looks like inside."

Although you can see it in supermarkets or some convenience stores where you pay, she has never seen what is inside.

At a time when you are so impure, you stare at something so impure with such innocent eyes and still say very pure words.

 Ye Xichen's heart...cannot be expressed in words.

 He has never used it either.

I can only tell Ye Weiyi, "You'll find out when you open it."

 Two novices set out on the road. Although it took a while, they gradually reached the point.

The love is strong.

 Just a little bit...

Ye Xichen’s cell phone ringtone suddenly rang!

 The unpleasant ringing sounds discordantly when it should be harmonious.

I don’t know whose hand touched the cell phone on the bedside and pressed the hangup button. But after a while, the ringtone started ringing again and again.

 In fact, they can choose to hang up directly.

 But since the man called at this time and persisted, there was probably something going on.

Ye Weiwei pushed Ye Xichen who was leaning on him and asked him in a low voice, "Look who it is."

Ye Xichen showed impatience on his brows.

 The caller was still his mother, Mrs. Ye.

 “Mom, what’s the matter?”

Mrs. Ye's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone, "Chen'er, that Su Hui is going to be born prematurely!"

The news that Su Hui was born prematurely was like a drop of cold water that drenched their desires completely.

"how so…"

 “Something must have happened.”

From the beginning, Mrs. Ye had no intention of letting the child in Su Hui's belly survive safely, but now, Su Hui's premature birth was indeed beyond everyone's expectations.

Ye Xichen lowered his head, turned over and lay beside Ye Weiyi, and kissed her forehead, "I'm sorry."

 (End of this chapter)

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