My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 654: Take a paternity test

Chapter 654: Taking a paternity test

Mo Si looked at Ye Xichen. This young man has extraordinary demeanor and a composure beyond his peers.

Mo Si was the first to speak, "I know you, the press conference held by your Ye Group not long ago caused a sensation in the entire S city."

"Since it was before, why bother mentioning it again." Ye Xichen raised the topic without any hesitation, "What's the value of paying the bill just for this boring question?"

Mo Si denied, “No, what I want to ask has nothing to do with interests.

“I’m just curious about your relationship with that girl from the Qiao family. Even though they have deep hatred, they still feel sympathy for each other.”

Ye Xichen asked calmly: "In what capacity does Mr. Mo want to know about my relationship with her?"

The last time Mo Si left the Qiao family, he had met Ye Xichen. I heard Ye Weiwei say that Mo Si and Qiao had always been friends for years, so it would not be surprising even if they knew about the grudges between the Qiao family and the Ye family.

 The status that can be considered is that of an elder.

  But Mo Si did not regard himself as an elder. He just said, "We met by chance and was curious about fate."

Mo Si's fate.

Regardless of age or status, he only recognizes the word "fate" when looking at people and doing things. It's as if he thinks that he has never met a suitable wife, so he would rather be single.

At the moment, he is just curious about the relationship between Ye Xichen and Qiao Ling.

"Everyone has their own choice. When you meet the person you want to protect, you will naturally be reluctant to let go."

“It’s such a shame, I’ve never experienced this feeling.”

 “I said, everyone has their own choice.”

 Mo Si understands.

 Say the same thing twice, but it has different meanings.

 The first time was when Ye Xichen told Mo Si that he wanted to protect Ye Weiwei and could not let go of each other, so they cherished each other.

 The second time was to emphasize that Mo Si did not feel this feeling and it was because he did not want to.

 Everyone is right.

Mo Si didn’t ask any more questions and just said: “The value of this bill is enough.”

The two of them were just acquaintances, and Ye Xichen also paid for Mo Si when he left.

 The price may not be the same, but the value is equivalent.

Mo Si thinks that this young man is neither arrogant nor impetuous, nor arrogant nor humble. He is indeed interesting.

Mo Si accidentally talked about Ye Xichen during the conversation with Pei Yichen.

Pei Yichen didn't expect that Mo Si admired Ye Xichen so much.

Pei Yichen deliberately brought Mo Si to see Mrs. Ye last time. He wanted to see if they were special, but the two of them really didn't know each other.

Just when Pei Yichen was about to put aside his vague speculation, Mo Si actually met Ye Xichen!

He wanted to use Ye Hantian's hair to do a paternity test with Ye Xichen's, or maybe use Ye Hantian and Mo Si to do a paternity test.

Pei Yichen can easily get close to Mo Si, but what should he do if he wants to obtain Ye Xichen's hair without everyone knowing?

 The simplest thing is to ask Ye Youyi for help, but Ye Youyi will definitely have doubts.

 This unfounded matter was so ridiculous that he could not reveal it to anyone for the time being.

 Taking advantage of Ye Weiwei's time to return to S City, Pei Yichen planned a meal and found an excuse to deliver the information to her in person. He also used this opportunity to enter Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen's apartment in S City.

He didn't know the layout of Ye Xichen's rooms, and he shamelessly asked for water, delaying his stay in the apartment.

 Ye Weiwei invited him to stay for dinner as expected.

The only time Pei Yichen went into the kitchen that night was to take action.

 The room where you lived should leave traces of it.

 (End of this chapter)

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