My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 657: The relationship between Mo Si and Ye Xichen

Chapter 657 The relationship between Mo Si and Ye Xichen

 When the nurse was about to go in again to apply medicine on Mo Si and turn him over, Ye Weiwei called him over again.

After a while, a tall woman wearing a nurse's uniform, a nurse's hat and a blue mask entered Mosi's ward with medicine.

This man, with only one pair of eyes exposed from head to tail, is the only one in the night.

Ye Ziyi is a Lianjiazi, and he has enough strength to turn someone over.

 But her main purpose was to use the opportunity of applying the medicine to see clearly whether the crescent moon on Mo Si's waist was really a crescent moon, or whether there was no trace at all.

Ye Weiwei opened Mo Si's hospital gown and applied medicine to Mo Si according to the instructions of the nurse just now.

At the same time, she opened the clothes around Mo Si's waist... and sure enough, she saw a crescent moon mark on it, which was almost exactly the same as the one on Ye Xichen!

Ye Weiwei was so amazed that he almost knocked over the medicine in his hand.

Finally pretending to be calm and applying the medicine, she walked out without hesitation and took off her disguise.

"how so…"

 Why does Mo Si have such a mark on his body...the same birthmark as Ye Xichen?

If they were all birthmarks, would two unrelated people have exactly the same birthmarks?

 It’s too incredible.

And it seemed that she was the only one who looked at Ye Xichen's body and accidentally discovered the birthmark on Mo Si's waist? So far she is the only one who knows about this?

 But why is this happening?

In the past two days, Ye Weiyi ran to the hospital very diligently.

She took the opportunity to take out the newspaper that reported on the Ye family, and asked as if casually, but in fact she was insinuating, "Uncle Mo Si, do you know anyone from the Ye family?"

“The Ye family that has a grudge against your Qiao family?”

“Yes, I wonder if Uncle Mo Si often interacts with businessmen and knows that Ye family.”

 Mo Si shook his head, "I don't know."

 Mo Si’s reply was very natural, and there was nothing special about his words or expressions.

Ye Weiwei lowered his head and pretended to read the newspaper, sighing secretly.

 What is she suspecting? Or hope something will be revealed?

Mrs. Ye really likes Ye Hantian, and it is impossible for her to cheat and betray her. Moreover, according to the character of the Ye family couple, she cultivated Ye Xichen because he is the only son and the only legal heir of the Ye family.

Ye Xichen is the biological son of Ye Hantian and Madam Ye. This is definitely true!

Just when Ye Weiwei lowered his head in thought, Mo Si casually mentioned it again, "Why do you and Yi Chen keep talking about the Ye family recently?"

And every time he was asked if he knew those people from the Ye family.

The real grudge against the Ye family is that the Qiao family wants to eat, sleep and play beans with him. What does it matter?

Mo Si just mentioned it casually, but Ye Weiyi caught the key point from it!

“Uncle Mo Si, are you saying that Assistant Pei often talks about the Ye family to you?”

 “That’s not the case.”


Ye Weiwei thought that these methods were of no use.

 Until she filtered everything through the noise, she suddenly remembered...

Last time, Li Moer injured Ye Xichen. When she was applying medicine to Ye Xichen, Pei Yichen also showed an unexpected expression.

Ye Weiyi put his finger lightly to his mouth.

Pei Yichen and Mo Si are already familiar with each other, so will he also discover that they have something in common?

Thinking about it this way, Pei Yichen's unusual behavior later was reasonably explained.

Ye Youwei contacted Pei Yichen with a serious expression, "Pei Yichen, I have something I want to talk to you about."

I have an exam tomorrow, wish me immediate success!



 (End of this chapter)

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