My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 669: Protect my man

Chapter 669: Protect my man

 “Dong dong dong.”

Ye Weiyi knocked on the door to interrupt Ye Hantian's rebuke to Ye Xichen.

Ye only appeared in the Ye Group, and both of them were surprised.

Ye Xichen passed by Ye Hantian, put one hand on Ye Weiwei's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?"

Ye Weiyi raised his eyes, looked at him with burning eyes, and admitted unabashedly, "I'm looking for you."

Ye Xichen touched her head, and the two of them interacted intimately and naturally, as if there were no other people around.

“I know that my brother has been working very hard recently, so he came to see you as soon as he had a holiday and invited you to have a big meal.”

Ye Xichen deliberately brought up Ye Xichen's hard work for the company in front of Ye Hantian.

Even though she didn't want to see Ye Hantian, she knew that Ye Xichen would feel uncomfortable after hearing what Ye Hantian said, although it had little impact.

Ye Hantian saw that he had been misunderstood by Ye Weiwei, and he raised his fist loosely to his mouth and coughed twice.

Ye Weiwei sneered in his heart and was not willing to face Ye Hantian at all.

 Because every time Ye Hantian saw her eyes, she was disgusted and resisted.

However, while venting her anger for Ye Xichen, she still remembered the primary purpose of her visit today.

 Hair in the cold night is not easy to take care of...

  Otherwise, "accidentally" cut the skin and use blood?

No, no, no, if she takes Ye Hantian's blood, then she has to take Ye Xichen's blood, how heartbroken it is.

  Denying this option directly, she can still pretend what she is thinking on the surface.

  I was so impulsive just now.

If Ye Xichen was around, she wouldn't have the guts to make any small moves unless Ye Xichen left...

“Dong dong dong…Mr. ​​Chen, there is something here that needs you to handle personally.”

Just now, I was praying in my heart, but the next second, the secretary knocked on the door to attract Ye Xichen's attention.

Ye Weiwei was overjoyed.

However, Ye Xichen held her hand and wanted to take her out together...

Having no choice but to follow Ye Xichen for a short distance, he temporarily slipped aside on the grounds of "not disturbing your work."

She did not appear directly in front of Ye Hantian this time, but quietly slipped into Ye Hantian's office.

 She wanted to find an opportunity to start from behind.

Ye Hantian may have just returned from a business trip and was dealing with a series of things. After reviewing a plan, he took a nap on his desk.

Ye Weiwei seized the opportunity and took out the sharp scissors and silently cut off a few strands of Ye Hantian's hair.

She grabbed those few hairs excitedly, and before she could slip out, Ye Hantian had already woken up from her sleep.

Ye Hantian is strict with his work, and even he is not allowed to doze off during working hours.

He straightened his back and started working, with Ye Weiwei hiding behind him, unable to move forward.

"Oh My God…"

Ye Weiwei sighed inwardly.

If Ye Hantian has been sitting here, how will she get out?

And Ye Xichen also called to see her.

 Fortunately, she had turned off her cell phone before, otherwise she would have been discovered.

Ye Weiwei sent a text message to Ye Xichen saying that she was in the bathroom, but time flew by so quickly that she couldn't stand her excuses.

 “What to do, what to do.” I felt panicked and suddenly couldn’t make up my mind.

If she can't get out again, Ye Xichen will definitely open a location to find someone!

By chance, the cleaning lady also walked in at this time.

The sweeping lady cleans very carefully. She sweeps, wipes and touches everything without any fuss.

 As soon as he lifted the curtain, he saw Ye Weiwei standing there!

 (End of this chapter)

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