My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 678: Resist closeness

Chapter 678: Resisting closeness

 When Ye Hantian's hand had touched her skin.

Mrs. Ye reacted and pushed the person away with force, "What are you doing!"

Mrs. Ye resisted Ye Hantian's approach, which angered Ye Hantian.

Ye Hantian grabbed her, not only did he not coax or explain, but he increased his strength and seemed to be forcing her.

Of course, Mrs. Ye was not a vegetarian. She resisted forcefully, and the two of them exchanged cold eyebrows. No matter how good the atmosphere was, it became as cold as ice.

 “What are you doing!” Madam Ye, who had long been disappointed with Ye Hantian, was no longer influenced by Ye Hantian or unable to refuse Ye Hantian’s tenderness as before.

 At this time, Mrs. Ye has turned into a hedgehog with thorns all over her body to protect herself.

 “You are my wife, and it is your responsibility to serve me.”

 “Huh, wife?”

"You can come when you want and leave when you want. Do you think of me as your wife?" Mrs. Ye couldn't help but sneered.

 The person who comes and goes when called is not called a wife. If she is used to vent her physiological needs, what is the difference between her and those people outside who sell their bodies?

 In terms of momentum, Mrs. Ye is not afraid of the cold night weather.

And every time I see the cold night sky, I feel that the flowing blood is coagulating, or running backwards!

Mrs. Ye refused to be intimate with Ye Hantian. Ye Hantian couldn't lose face, but now he and Mrs. Ye "shared weal and woe", so she had no choice but to slam the door and walk out.

Seeing that Ye Hantian was in a bad mood, Mrs. Ye made some inquiries and found out that there was something wrong with the business.

 Mrs. Ye was relieved.

Although he can still be tough on Ye Hantian, if Ye Hantian knows that Ye Xichen is not his biological son...

According to Ye Hantian's character, Ye Xichen will definitely be destroyed.

Mrs. Ye held on to the phone tightly.

 She couldn't let the huge Ye's Group miss her son!

 Mrs. Ye contacted Ye Weiwei again.

This time, Madam Ye also specially prepared a gift.

 The beautiful diamond bracelet was presented in the box. It must be said that Madam Ye spent a lot of money this time.

  When the two arranged to meet at the last place, Ye Weiwei and Madam Ye looked at each other and sat down.

 Mrs. Ye rarely had a smile on her face.

“We haven’t sat down and talked like this for a long time.”

"Mrs. Ye, you remember correctly, we were face to face like this a few days ago."

"That's different." Madam Ye shook her head and said, "This time I want to settle the differences with you."

"Bury the hatchet?"

 Ye Weiwei repeated this idiom and read it with a somewhat special meaning.

Mrs. Ye then took out the diamond bracelet she had prepared earlier and pushed it in front of Ye Weiwei, "You know I'm an outspoken person and don't like to be tactful, so I'll just say it."

"I have been thinking about a lot of things in the past few days. I no longer have the original thoughts about Ye Hantian, so I naturally let go of your mother's affairs. You also lived in Yejia before, and I never treated you badly at that time and let you live. The life of a wealthy lady."

With a few words, Mrs. Ye wiped away the deep-seated grudges in people's hearts, and then mentioned the only kindness she had shown to Ye in the past, trying to move her emotionally.

Mrs. Ye pointed at the bracelet box with her finger and opened it herself. The brilliant diamond bracelet inside appeared in front of Ye Weiwei, its crystal clear luster blinding the eyes.

"What does it mean."

"To show my sincerity, I will give you this bracelet. From now on, you and Chen'er..."

 (End of this chapter)

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