My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 680: A wild child whose father is unknown

Chapter 680 The wild child with unknown father

 “Forget it, I don’t want to mention what happened in the past.”

"Qiao Li, don't you think about it. Chen'er was born with dignity. If he learns that his identity is false, how serious a blow it will be to him?"

 Mrs. Ye forcefully convinced herself to stay calm and not to confront Ye Wei directly, so as not to irritate her.

Madam Ye repeatedly changed her strategy and began to be moved by Ye Weiwei, "Even though Ye Hantian is sorry for your Qiao family and you think the people in the Ye family are not good, Chen'er has been crowned as the heir of the Ye family since he was a child. According to how strong he is, Self-esteem, have you ever thought about the consequences?”

He responded rationally, "You don't want to see me, you hate Ye Hantian, that's fine. But you have to think clearly, how has Chen'er treated you since you were a child? With sincere pampering and love, you can't bear to let him go from high to high. The clouds fell into the abyss of the cliff? "

 Finally, the theme is pointed out, "Chen'er is sincere to you, and I hope you won't let him down!"

 The whole process of persuasion is very logical, and every sentence is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

 It is impossible to say that Ye Weiwei didn't feel anything in his heart.

If she didn't know the identity of Mo Si, she would definitely be shaken by Madam Ye's words at this moment, and then she would be at a disadvantage.

 But fortunately, she vaguely knew that Mo Si had a bigger background than Ye Hantian!

 But she doesn't plan to tell Madam Ye now.

Mrs. Ye simply couldn't let go of fame and fortune, and wanted to use Ye Xichen to fight for those fame and interests.

 She didn’t want Madam Ye to get her wish.

“What you think is not necessarily Brother Chen’s. Even if he loses his identity in the Ye family, he will not become nothing.”

Ye Weiwei suddenly asked, "Does it mean that Brother Chen is no longer Ye Xichen, so you don't intend to recognize this son and treat him well?"

 “How is that possible?” Madam Ye retorted without hesitation.

Ye Weiwei spread his hands, "That's right. Brother Chen is not a person who is greedy for power. If he knew that he was not the son of the Ye family, then he and I would be able to be together without any scruples. Do you think Brother Chen would be more happy?"

“After all, you just don’t want to let my son go! Do you want to see him being ridiculed as a wild child with an unknown father?”

 Mrs. Ye directly used such serious words.

Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

 The tea swayed and made shallow ripples.

 The water glass was placed on the table. After a while, the shaking sleep became calm.

“Look, it’s like this tea, but it shakes a lot when tilted. As long as you return it to its original position, it will eventually become calm.”

Mrs. Ye glanced at her, picked up the teacup, and knocked it to the ground.

“If the teacup is tilted too much, it will be filled with water and become nothing.”

 The two of them took tea as an example, and there was something in their words.

 Compare Ye Xichen to tea.

Ye’s only meaning is that no matter what happens when his identity is revealed, if he returns to his original identity, over time, everything will return to its natural appearance.

The implication of Mrs. Ye is that Ye Xichen’s identity is revealed, which is likely to have serious consequences and is an irreparable mistake.

 Looking at each other.

No one is willing to retreat.

 But compared to Mrs. Ye, Ye Yiyi obviously has a better chance of winning.

“If Mrs. Ye is willing to explain Brother Chen’s identity clearly, I may not dare to say it again after weighing the importance.”

Ye Weiwei wanted to induce Madam Ye to confess the original truth.

 (End of this chapter)

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