My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 698: in danger

Chapter 698: In Crisis

Ye Hantian was sued in court. The money laundering incident many years ago was exposed and a life was lost. As soon as the news spread, Ye's Group's shares fell sharply.

Ye Xichen took full control of the Ye Group, studied countermeasures day and night, and decided to promote a new plan.

Ever since Mrs. Ye knew that Ye Hantian was in jail and that her son was in charge of the Ye Group, her whole face was filled with glory.

 It's just that the Ye Group is in crisis, which makes Madam Ye very worried.

Mrs. Ye asked the chef at home to carefully prepare a nutritious meal schedule, and then prepared each meal for Ye Xichen according to the recipes on the list.

 She will deliver it in person at noon, and everyone in the company praises Madam Ye for her virtue and virtue.

 In fact, Mrs. Ye's move has several purposes. First, it can improve her reputation, but also to take care of her son's health. Third, she can keep abreast of the current situation of the Ye Group.

Mrs. Ye delivered lunch on time, but her secretary stopped her at the door of Ye Xichen's office.

“I’m sorry, madam, Mr. Chen has previously ordered that no one be allowed in for the time being.”

If others dared to stop her, Madam Ye would definitely be angry by now.

However, her external image in the company has always been elegant and generous, and she will not lose her temper casually with others.

“I’m just here to deliver lunch to him, but I can’t come in?”

"I know what you mean, madam, but Mr. Chen has told me before that as a secretary, I really don't dare to disobey the boss's wishes. Please forgive me, madam. If madam doesn't mind, you can leave the things and Mr. Chen will wait for a while. When he comes out, I will personally give the things to him."

“How long has it been since Chen’er went in?”

 “About two hours.”

"so long…"

 As soon as Mrs. Ye heard that time, she frowned.

 After staying in there for such a long time, no one is allowed to go in, for fear of encountering difficult problems.

 “In that case, I’ll wait for him here.”

“Okay, madam, you can go sit in the lounge next to you for a while. If Mr. Chen comes out, I will convey it to you as soon as possible.”


 Mrs. Ye turned around and walked towards the lounge.

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her leaving.

As a secretary, you should listen to all directions, learn to read the boss's face, and figure out the boss's thoughts.

 Such people are generally good at reading people.

Even though Mrs. Ye disguises her image to the outside world, she looks at others with a sense of arrogance, which cannot be hidden no matter what.

As a secretary, he actually didn't want to deal with Madam Ye. After all, given her status, she really couldn't be offended.

  Half an hour later.

Ye Xichen still didn’t show up.

But Mrs. Ye could no longer bear her temper and directly asked the secretary to go in and ask.

By chance, Ye Xichen agreed to meet someone.

After Mrs. Ye entered, she placed the thermos box next to his desk and took the opportunity to check the documents on Ye Xichen's desk.

Mrs. Ye asked naturally as if she was concerned: "Chen'er, I see that the company's shares are still falling. Do you think of any countermeasures?"

“Mom doesn’t understand business matters, so there’s no need to worry about it.” Ye Xichen’s eyes were calm and his tone was deep.

Madam Ye suddenly asked him, "Chen'er, are you resenting me?"

 “Don’t dare.”

“You must already know that I gave Qiao Lian the information in her hand. You are resenting me.”

Hand your father into prison with your own hands...

 “I don’t resent anyone.”

"Chen'er, although you are the president of Ye's Group now, those shareholders are eyeing you, so you must take the opportunity to make achievements!"

“Does mother only see the honor brought to you by the Ye Group?”

 (End of this chapter)

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