My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 704: uncle type boyfriend

Chapter 704: Uncle Boyfriend

 Half a month later.

 Ye Weiwei stood in front of the G City Finance College again. Seeing the campus entrance with people coming and going, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

 “Qiaoqiao, you are finally back, give me a hug, I miss you so much!”

After not seeing each other for many days, Xia Xiyun ran towards her excitedly and gave her a strong bear hug.

Xia Xiyun is very clingy, "It's been so long since we last met. Did you miss me?"

Ye Wei rewarded her with a very flattering smile, "Of course, we are so cute, I miss you very much."

 “mua~” Xia Xiyun blew her a kiss from the air.

During the half month she was away from school, she had been helping Ye Xichen to improve the declining shares of Ye's Group.

Even if others misunderstand that Ye Xichen only wants power, she will firmly believe it.

Back to school, this time she finally didn’t have to worry about the hatred of the Qiao family every day, and she could also relax at school during school time.

That night, Xia Xiyun excitedly took her to attend the banquet hosted by her new boyfriend.

 Ye Weiwei met Xia Xiyun's new boyfriend, with a smile on his face but shaking his head in his heart.

She couldn't stop Xia Xiyun's interest, but she just found it particularly boring.

On the contrary, Luo Yuxi, who was holding a chicken leg and munching on it, was very happy because every one or two months she could come and have a free meal, which was enough for her to remember for several days.

"Yunyun, your new boyfriend is really nice. If the next one is as generous as well... ow!"

Ye Youyi gracefully picked up a chicken leg and stuffed it into Luo Yuxi's mouth in time to stop her unspoken words.

Xia Xiyun's boyfriend was a little embarrassed, but Xia Xiyun was very good at coaxing people. I don't know what the two of them whispered, and Xia Xiyun's boyfriend greeted them warmly and generously to order whatever they wanted.

“You can order whatever you want to eat, and I’ll pay for it today.”

 This new boyfriend is a bit bold.

Xia Xiyun’s new boyfriend is 26 years old and has a car, but is he a bit older?

It is said that uncles know how to care for others, but think about it on the other hand, a truly high-quality uncle has already been captured by a woman of his own age. How can he still be single and fall in love with a girl who is nineteen or twenty years old?

"Yun, I don't care what your identity or age is. I just hope you can see people clearly and protect yourself at all times."

“I know, I know, I understand, so don’t worry about me.”

Xia Xiyun looks small, but actually has a sense of proportion.

Even though I have had so many boyfriends, I have never crossed the line with anyone.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Weiwei felt a little more relieved.

Luo Yuxi next to her is also very ambitious.

He said: "Qiaoqiao, just leave her alone, she is already an experienced driver."

"Old driver, I was going to the kindergarten. You got on the wrong bus and got off." Xia Xiyun gave Luo Yuxi a push, but according to Luo Yuxi's figure, Xia Xiyun couldn't shake her at all.

Who would have known that Leng Ruxue, who never joked all year round, suddenly said, "The car door is welded shut, and no one can leave." "

This caused the three people in the dormitory to turn their heads and stare at her, as if the person they saw was not her.

“Oh my god, Xuexue is actually joking with us. It’s really going to rain red.”

 “Bie Pi, go back to the dormitory. Go back to the dormitory.”

 The four people in the dormitory returned to the dormitory talking and laughing.

 Everything seems to be back on its original track.

 Until one night a week later…

 Ye Weiwei had just finished washing and looked at his cell phone when he received a call for help from Xia Xiyun.

 (End of this chapter)

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