My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 706: her new boyfriend

 Chapter 706 Her new boyfriend

 “She should be fine.”

 “When I rushed over, nothing bad had happened yet.”

Han Xingye's words stabilized Ye Weiyi's mind.

What Han Xingye saw at that time was that Xia Xiyun was pinned down, but when he took Xia Xiyun away, he saw that her clothes were still on him.

 “By the way, why are you here?”

 “Participate in a competition that happens to be nearby.”

"What a blessing." Ye Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

If Han Xingye hadn't rushed over in time, it might have been a step later. Fortunately...Fortunately, everything was in time.

 The doctor examined Xia Xiyun, and she was quickly transferred to the general ward.

 The doctor gave an accurate reply that Xia Xiyun was not violated, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

 The roommates planned to stay with her in the hospital after visiting her.

"I'll stay here, there's no one in the dormitory, and it won't be a good idea to trace him later."

 Under Ye Weiwei's persuasion, Leng Ruxue and Luo Yuxi returned to school together.

Ye Ziyi was left to guard Xia Xiyun in the hospital. Oh, and Han Xingye was also guarding the ward and refused to leave.

“Are you curious why Yunyun’s phone call came to you?”

Han Xingye shook his head.

 At that time, he only heard curses and calls for help coming from his mobile phone.

He participated in the competition this time and rested in that hotel, so he was able to rescue Xia Xiyun from the evildoers in time!

Ye Weiwei said casually, as if speaking normally, "She should have called me first. Her phone was robbed, and then she was put on the speed dial for some reason."

 “Speed ​​dial?”

“Yes, she set up a speed dial on her phone, and it’s yours.”

Ye Weiwei picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water into the cup and put it in front of Han Xingye, jokingly saying: "Do you need a drink of water to calm down your shock?"

Seeing how natural her movements were, Han Xingye reached out and grabbed the side of the cup. He was shocked!

 “So hot!”

Ye Weiwei smiled and said, "Let me bring you back to your senses."

 When this temperature stimulates the skin, the whole person becomes energetic!

Han Xingye squeezed his hands and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xia Xiyun appeared at the lowest point in his life, and the warm sun of hesitation warmed his whole heart. When he first found Xia Xiyun, he just wanted to thank her, but later it was just a matter of phone and TV. Xia Xiyun showed him a side that was enthusiastic, lively, and full of energy, making people feel that it was easy to get along with her.

 I just didn’t expect that we would meet again under such circumstances.

Han Xingye was so glad that he came to G city to participate in the competition, and he was even more glad that he chose that hotel.

"By the way, you said that the old man ran away when you rescued Yunyun? Do you remember who he was?"

"I don't know him, but...well, he's not an old man, he's probably around thirty years old." Han Xingye finally told the truth.

The only person who looked at him in the night was speechless: "..."

 At about thirty years old, are you talking about Xia Xiyun’s new boyfriend?

 “It’s better to wait until she wakes up before asking.”

 “Does she...change boyfriends often?”

“It’s hard to say this, but I can tell you that Yunyun is a very good girl.”

“I know roughly even if you don’t tell me, she often has various boyfriends, but they are all rich.”

"do you mind?"

The only time he asked this question that night, none of them noticed the trembling of Xia Xiyun's eyelashes on the hospital bed.

 (End of this chapter)

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