My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 709: I like you from beginning to end

Chapter 709 I like you from the beginning to the end

“Ye’s Group is your life’s work. It must be very important to you, right?”

"It's not enough to put me in jail. You also want to take advantage of Ye's Group. You're a small person with big ambitions. It's a pity that even if Ye Xichen likes you no matter how much he likes you, he can't let you destroy Ye's Group."

Ye Hantian met Ye Youwei alone, and showed no resentment or unwillingness, as if he was a confident person who was not bothered by the current prison sentence.

Ye Hantian just didn't want to show her his failure, so he pretended to be calm, as if he had seen through deep thoughts.

 Unfortunately, he did not see Ye Weiwei's face change as he wished.

Ye Youyi is calmer and calmer than him.

She said: "I have never thought about destroying Ye's family."

Ye Hantian didn't believe it, "You took all the trouble for revenge just to put me in jail? I underestimated you at the beginning and suffered a cruel plot, and I definitely won't believe that you are a kind person now."

Ye nodded unequivocally, "I am indeed not a kind person, but I would be happy to see the Ye Group handed over to Brother Chen."

Ye Hantian had a mocking expression on his face, "You are really just like your mother, you can give up anything for love."

He raised his index finger and waved it in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly, "How can it be the same? My mother is a kind-hearted person, but I am not."

"Do you know why Mrs. Ye handed me your evidence of your crime without hesitation?" She asked and answered herself, "Of course it's not because I have no feelings for you..."

"what do you want to say in the end!"

The night was extremely cold, and his frown could be seen through the transparent glass.

"I'm here today actually to tell you a truth that has been hidden for nearly twenty-three years." The time to visit the prison was limited, so Ye Weiwei counted the time and finally got to the point.

 When Ye Hantian saw her showing this expression again, it was just like when Ye Weiwei swore to hand over the evidence of guilt that day in court, he could not help but panic.

Ye Hantian is unwilling to admit that he has spent his whole life in shopping malls, but in the end he lost at the hands of a little girl!

“After all these years, I should give you the truth.”

After the police confirmed that it was safe, Ye Weiwei handed the original paternity test certificates of Ye Xichen and Ye Hantian to Ye Hantian.

“You have been plotting against others all your life, thinking that you are the biggest winner, but in the end, you have lost everything..."

 After Ye Hantian saw the results of the appraisal certificate, Ye Weiwei had already left.

She didn’t want to know how Ye Hantian would react. Anyway, forget her original hatred!

 After visiting the prison, Ye Weiyi bought two bouquets of flowers and went to the cemetery.

  But when she arrived there, she unexpectedly found fresh bouquets of flowers placed in front of her parents' graves. It must have been that someone had just come to pay their respects.

She looked around, looking around, her eyes fixed on the upper left, and their eyes met.

 After a moment, she looked away.

Facing the tombstone, she presented two bouquets of flowers in her hands, knelt down in front of the tomb and kowtowed three times to her parents.

“From now on, your enemy Ye Hantian will repent for the crimes he has committed throughout his life.”


“Mom and Dad, I’m really lucky to have met someone I like and can stay with him forever. I hope you can bless your daughter in heaven to get everything she wants.”

 Standing up and patting her knees, she walked calmly towards the upper left direction.

“Brother Chen, do you still keep the promise you made to my mother?”

  Do you still remember what Brother Chen promised to Little Lingdang’s mother?



 (End of this chapter)

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