My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 713: Someone from the Mo family is here

Chapter 713 Someone from the Mo family is here

Ye Weiwei had just taken a flight back to China, but there was an urgent notice from Ye Xichen that he was going on a business trip, so the two of them missed it.

 Ye Weiwei returned to the home that belonged to the two of them, feeling inexplicably quiet.

 Because of the time difference, she returns home at nine o'clock in the morning.

 I fell asleep in the car and am not sleepy now.

I don’t know if the Mo family that Mo Si mentioned has met Ye Xichen. Instead, she felt empty because Ye Xichen left S City on a business trip and could not meet.

Ye Xichen is on the flight and cannot call him.

Ye Weiwei took a hot bath at home to relieve the fatigue from the journey. When she was wiping her hair, she suddenly heard the doorbell ringing outside the door.

somebody is coming!

  quickly combed her hair, ran to the door and took a look before opening the door. A kind-hearted old lady stood outside the door.

The two of them were a little surprised to see each other, and they had different thoughts.

Ye Weiwei quickly searched for memories related to this old man in his mind, but there was no impression.

Thinking of the "Old Lady Mo" mentioned by Mo Si, Ye Weiwei boldly guessed that this old lady was...the Mo family!

However, before the identity of the other party was clear, Ye Weiwei did not interrupt the speculation, but chose to ask politely: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

These polite words are polite and appropriate, which is the etiquette that should be done when dealing with strangers.

The old lady was stunned for a moment when she saw Ye Weiwei, but soon she felt like she suddenly realized, "You are Qiao Ling, right?"

 “I am Qiao Lian, but you?”

"It seems that there is no mistake." The old lady said to herself, and then looked up and down Ye Weiyi, her eyes were kind, and she seemed to be satisfied with everything she saw.

“I am Mo Si’s mother. If you don’t mind, can I call you Qiao Qiao?”

“Uncle Mo Si’s mother, ah... Hello, Grandma Mo.”

The juniors respectfully address their elders. There is nothing wrong with this title, and it also expresses agreement with the old lady of the Mo family calling her "Qiao Qiao".

Ye Weiwei invited Mrs. Mo into the house, warmed tea and entertained the guests. He spoke and behaved politely, but said nothing about Ye Xichen.

 She had made up her mind not to mention Ye Xichen until Mrs. Mo told her.

 Old Mrs. Mo seemed to be strategizing and talked to her patiently.

  But Old Mrs. Mo really miscalculated the extent of Ye Wei's patience. She was polite in her dealings with others, and she did not talk nonsense during conversations, nor was she in a cold mood.

 Old Mrs. Mo had a different understanding of this young girl.

Old Mrs. Mo thought to herself: This girl Qiao Yan is extremely smart, so how good should her grandson be?

I learned from Mo Si that Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen were childhood sweethearts. The two grew up together and have a deep relationship, and now they are boyfriend and girlfriend who cherish each other.

Ye Xichen is well-known in S City and has a good reputation.

  Whether this name is mentioned in TV magazines or in casual conversations, everyone will praise him with words such as "Young and promising".

Mrs. Mo has expectations for Ye Xichen, but after all, she has never been in contact with him, so she feels a little unsure.

 Now that she has met Ye Weiyi, Mrs. Mo’s expectations for Ye Xichen are even greater!

“Girl Qiao Qiao, the third child has mentioned you to me many times and praised you as a smart and well-behaved child.”

 “Uncle Mo Si, I’m sorry.”

"There is no need to be modest. Now that I have met you, I feel that the third child's evaluation of you is too low."

 “Thank you, Grandma Mo.”

“So, Qiaoqiao, are you willing to tell me where my grandson is now?”

 (End of this chapter)

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