My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 725: Did you save me?

 Chapter 725 Did you save me?

 “The patient is awake!”


 The nurse inside came out to remind, and Ye Xichen took the shoebox out of Ye Weiwei's hand without leaving any trace.

Hearing that the patient was awake, Ye Weiwei followed the nurse in and took a look. It turned out that only Nangong Luo was awake.

“Brother Nangong, are you okay?”

The first time she came in and greeted her, Nangong Luo seemed to have not fully recovered his consciousness.

 When his mind and vision recovered, before he could answer Ye Wei's question, he anxiously looked for Gong Qianli.

“Liu Li is resting next door, don’t worry.”

  Quickly calmed Nangong Luo's emotions, but he insisted on seeing Gong Qianli before he would give up.

Ye Xichen, who appeared at the door, didn't say much. He simply said four words to let him go, "Take him over."

Seeing that Nangong Luo was very insistent, he had no choice but to agree.

Just as he was about to walk into the ward next door, he saw Gu Chengxi in a white coat walking out of Gong Qianli's ward.

Nangong Luo stood at the door of his ward, watching Gu Chengxi's leaving figure for several seconds, then turned around and went in to visit Gong Qianli without hesitation.

Gong Qianli has a slight bruise on her forehead, which has been disinfected and applied with medicine. Now there is a thin layer of gauze on her forehead.

“Brother Nangong, don’t worry too much. Liuli is fine. The doctor said she just hit her forehead and will be fine after she sleeps.”

Although two colleagues were injured in this car accident, I heard that when they rescued people, they saw Nangong Luo protecting Gong Qianli tightly.

The real situation is unknown. Seeing Nangong Luo's worried and self-blaming look, Ye Weiwei didn't dare to ask.

 But she thought the rumors were correct.

If it is a critical moment, Nangong Luo will definitely protect Gong Qianli.

 This is a kind of trust.

However, when Nangong Luo saw Gong Qianli sleeping on the bed, he already blamed himself extremely, "It's all my fault that I didn't control it well, so she is lying here now."

“The police have found out the results, and the facts have nothing to do with you.”

There was a child crossing the road at that time, and Nangong Luo was trying to slow down to give way. Unexpectedly, a large car appeared behind him and directly hit his car so far.

 But Nangong Luo shook his head repeatedly, as if he didn't care about the real situation.

At that moment, Ye Weiwei put down the phone without any further explanation, because Nangong Luo was concerned about not knowing where the responsibility lay, but under his care, Gong Qianli was still injured and fell into coma.

Nangong Luo insisted on staying with her here, sitting there for four hours from noon to afternoon.

 Knowing that the doctors and nurses were urging him to change his dressing.

Nangong Luo reached out and touched Gong Qianli's forehead. His movements were very light and gentle, and there was tenderness hidden deep in his eyes when he looked at her.

Nangong Luo returned to his ward to change the dressing and cooperated with the doctor for another examination. This set of things was delayed for a long time.

 Gong Qianli’s ward…

 Gu Chengxi, who was entrusted by someone, hinted that he would personally diagnose and treat Gong Qianli. When dusk fell, Gong Qianli, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

 When her eyes regained clarity, the first color that appeared in her eyes was pure white.

That white figure is moving, it’s a doctor in a white coat in the hospital!

 It’s just that the more Gong Qianli looked at it, the more he felt that the doctor’s back looked very familiar.

She tried to sit up slowly while holding on to the bed. Gu Chengxi, who had just prepared the medicine, turned around at this moment.

Their eyes met, and Gong Qianli recognized his identity at once, "Doctor Gu!"

 “Did you save me?”

 (End of this chapter)

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