My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 731: cell phone stolen

Chapter 731 The mobile phone was stolen

Thinking of a surprise, Ye Weiwei asked Gong Qianli to go shopping and buy clothes.

It’s just that she didn’t expect that as soon as she went out, she would see Mrs. Ye and Mo Si sitting together...

This is a business district, where various businesses are intertwined. She was shopping around for clothing and jewelry stores with Gong Qianli, but she didn't expect to bump into Madam Ye when she passed by a teahouse.

The person sitting face to face with Madam Ye was Mo Si.

 These two people must be discussing things about Ye Xichen when they are sitting together!

Glancing at Gong Qianli next to him, Ye Weiwei thought of a way to get her away, "Liuli, you go inside to pick out clothes first. I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, so I need to go to the bathroom first."

 At the beginning, Gong Qianli didn't react yet. The focus was on what she said about feeling uncomfortable, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? What's wrong?"

 “Oh, I’m just going to the bathroom.” Ye Weiwei winked at her.

 “I understand, I understand.”

Gong Qianli nodded immediately, gave her an "OK" gesture, turned around and went upstairs to continue picking out clothes.

Ye Weiwei took the opportunity to run to the opposite side of the teahouse, found a seat, and quietly moved towards Mo Si.

 There is only one reason why Madam Ye made an appointment with Mo Si today—Ye Xichen.

"We had clearly agreed to keep this secret forever, so why did Mrs. Mo show up?" Mrs. Ye still refused Ye Xichen to recognize her as a relative.

Mrs. Ye reminded Mo Si very confidently and proudly, "My son is living a good life now. I don't want anyone to show up and randomly identify his relatives."

Mosi is calm and does not easily show his emotions.

 He did not leak the secret intentionally, but Mrs. Mo accidentally discovered it.

 But Mo Si would not explain this kind of thing.

On the contrary, he recognized the situation clearly and did not hide it deliberately. He only said: "Paper cannot contain the fire. Since his life experience has been discovered by the Mohist family, the Mohist family will definitely not leave him out."

Kemosi's statement sounded to Madam Ye on purpose.

"What does it mean to be homeless? My son's identity is clear, but you should not come to disturb the situation!"

 The conversation volume between Madam Ye and Mo Si was kept at a certain level. It sounded like normal chatting, but in fact, Madam Ye's every word was filled with anger.

Even though Ye Weiwei couldn't hear what they said specifically, he guessed that they were struggling with Ye Xichen's identity.

 Shaking his head, Ye Weiwei put down the tea money and left the teahouse.

Unknown to her, at the moment she walked out of the teahouse, a delicate figure walked out of the corner of the teahouse.

The man hidden in the dark stared at the back of Ye Weiwei as he left, his eyes fierce.

 Ye Weiwei returned to the shopping mall, and Gong Qianli happened to come down from upstairs.

Ye Weiwei asked her, "Did you pick one you like?"

Gong Qianli shook her head, "No, let's look at another place."

Just as they were walking out of the mall, a man in a hurry next to them bumped into Ye Weiwei's shoulder.

 “I’m sorry, sorry.” The man apologized in a low voice.

Ye Weiwei squeezed her arm. Gong Qianli saw her action and was a little worried, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Ye Weiwei smiled as he shook his head.

 But the next second, her expression changed suddenly.

 “My mobile phone is missing, that person just now…” At this point, the two of them suddenly thought that the deliberate behavior just now must be a thief!

 The two looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and chased the thief in the direction where he had fled.

 (End of this chapter)

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