My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 733: Beautiful and charming

Chapter 733 Beautiful and charming

“I always feel like someone is looking at me not far away, but there is nothing there.”

"'s already dark today. Don't sound so scary. I'm a coward and I can't help but be scared."

“I didn’t mean to scare you, I just felt someone was nearby.” Ye Weiwei stood in place and walked around twice. After looking around twice, he found nothing special.

 The same is true for Gong Qianli.

There was no one around. Gong Qianli waved his hand in front of her eyes and said, "There are people everywhere around here. You are too worried."

Yeye Weiyi always felt that something was wrong, but there was no evidence.

Gong Qianli pushed her arm and pulled her away, "Only, let's leave quickly. We haven't found anything we like yet."

 “Well, let’s go.”

 The two of them returned to the mall, this time seriously choosing clothes.

 It turns out that Gong Qianli, who has always liked simple clothes, has no research on skirts, but she has eyes and knows how to appreciate beauty.

  Why do girls like to ask people to go shopping together?

Of course it’s not because a person is scared or bored, but because they are very picky when buying things and will raise various questions such as “is this thing suitable for me?”

 So when you go shopping to buy clothes, it is really important to have a friend beside you to help keep an eye on it and comment on whether it looks good or not!

Ye only listened to Gong Qianli's words. Apart from plain white and some very light colors, Gong Qianli said that she wanted her to dress in a way that would make people's eyes shine, so she chose a bright-colored skirt and nine-centimeter high heels.

Ye Weiyi looked at the bright red short skirt and high heels, feeling a little embarrassed, "I'm going to watch shooting stars, and I'm wearing a skirt and high heels?"

Gong Qianli once again instilled in her the concept of dating, "The only thing you have to remember is that no matter what you and Brother Chen do together, it is the time you two spend together. You have to remember that your main purpose is to date. Instead of playing!”

After finishing the indoctrination, he asked Ye Weiwei again, "On the day of the date, just make sure you look stunning, okay?"


 Ye Weiwei nodded heavily, indicating that he had deeply understood the meaning.

Gong Qianli nodded with satisfaction, her eyes praising: Children can be taught.

But on the other side, Gong Qianli was laughing quietly again.

 Wearing such high heels is fine for walking, but it would be so tiring to climb up to a high place to see the shooting stars. Wouldn’t it be nice for the princess to hug you then?

 She is so witty! You can completely change your career and become a love guru to give advice to people in love!

Ye Weiwei is indeed very smart. When she is asked to handle things or do anything else, she will do so carefully and step by step.

 But she was always on guard against Gong Qianli, and she encountered emotional matters. Her emotional intelligence was cut in half, and her IQ was useless.

However, when he saw Gong Qianli laughing secretly, Ye Weiwei smiled helplessly.

 Do you really think she is so easy to fool?

It’s just that I believe what Gong Qianli said makes sense every time.

“Liu Li, if you use the intelligence you gave me to give me advice on yourself, you won’t be single anymore.”

"I think so too, but Brother Chen is devoted to you, and Dr. Gu doesn't care about me. Even if I dress up and stand in front of him, he won't show an extra smile." He muttered again: "Yeah. He won’t hug me when I’m tired.”

Ye Weiwei took the opportunity to interject, "Gu Chengxi can't do it, but there is one person who will definitely do it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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