My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 735: pamper first love

Chapter 735 Doting on First Love

Secretary Zhao happily got 99 pink roses from the flower shop and was about to take a taxi to deliver them to Ye Xichen when a figure suddenly ran by and knocked the roses in his hand to the ground.

 “Ouch! Who’s walking...”

Before Secretary Zhao could curse, he turned around and saw that there were still people on the left and right?

Secretary Zhao subconsciously thought it was a thief and quickly touched his pocket. Nothing was missing.

He breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt something was wrong?

He raised his hands and was stunned. Then he looked down at the ground and saw that many pink roses had been destroyed.

 “Oh my God!”

Secretary Zhao quickly picked up the bouquet of flowers, with an exaggerated expression on his face and his teeth chattering.

 The assistant called to care about whether he got the flowers.

Secretary Zhao had no choice but to admit, "I've got it, I'll deliver it later."

 The assistant did not have any doubts and was still waiting for the good news from Secretary Zhao.

Secretary Zhao hurriedly walked back and asked the shopkeeper. He found that all the fresh pink roses left today had been bought.

"Don't you have any extra flowers? Are you not prepared for this emergency?"

“Guest, please be patient. These 99 pink roses were ordered this morning. There will indeed be spare flowers to replace before they are picked up. However, you have already picked them up before, so there is no need for us to keep today’s inventory.”

Listen to a few explanations from those people, in short, this flower shop cannot buy pink roses.

Secretary Zhao did not dare to stay here and spend more time. He quickly searched for the nearest flower shop and asked one by one, but there were no pink roses.

Things were such a coincidence that dense beads of sweat broke out on Secretary Zhao's forehead.

How could such an unfortunate thing happen to him!

The assistant waited and waited but still didn't see Secretary Zhao, so she couldn't help but panicked.

“Secretary Zhao, I promised you a chance to show off before. You can bring the flowers back in person and we can respond to the order together. Why haven’t you come back after so long? We will send them to Mr. Chen soon!”

 “Does Chen always specify pink roses?”

 “That’s right! I told you that it should be pink!”

When Secretary Zhao heard this, he felt like he was beyond love.

Their boss only hires people based on whether they are valuable and capable. Now he can't even do things like send flowers, and he is afraid that he will really pack up and leave.

 After Ye Xichen walked out of here, who among the big family businesses in S City would dare to want him?

Secretary Zhao remembers running around in circles.

I hurriedly took out my mobile phone and searched for the meaning of roses.

 Pink roses represent: pampering and first love.

Red roses represent: passionate love.

 “Calm down, calm down.” Hypnotize yourself and try to calm down the emotional fluctuations in your heart. Secretary Zhao has a sudden plan!

He rushed back to the flower shop and asked the flower shop owner to redistribute 20 red roses among the pink roses.

  20 pink roses represent - mutual love.

This time Secretary Zhao came out of the publishing house and carefully observed the surroundings and protected the flowers.

A delicate figure stood on the opposite road, his eyes fell on the re-decorated bouquet of flowers in Secretary Zhao's hand, his eyes fierce.

 The problem was finally solved. Secretary Zhao met with the assistant and sent the flowers to the designated location.

“Mr. Chen, the flower shop owner said that this combination is more innovative. Miss Qiao will be very surprised if she receives the flowers from you.”

Ye Xichen looked at this bouquet of red and pink flowers, and it was rare that he didn't find fault with Secretary Zhao's ability to make decisions.

 “Well done, the bonus will be doubled this month.”

“Thank you, Mr. Chen. Mr. Chen is wise. I wish Mr. Chen and Miss Qiao a smooth and sweet date.”

 (End of this chapter)

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