My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 743: What should I do if my face is disfigured?

Chapter 743 What should I do if my face is disfigured?

Fifteen minutes later, Ye Weiwei wiped off the ointment on his face. The red spots were still obvious on his face.

"no effect?"

Ye Xichen frowned even more when he saw that her face had not changed.

However, Ye Ziyi patted his cheek very lightly with his washed and disinfected palms, and happily told Ye Xichen, "My face doesn't seem to be itchy anymore!"

 After using the ointment prepared by Gu Chengxi, it was really effective. Ye Weiwei's face no longer itched, and the erythema was only near the nose and did not develop in other directions.

Even so, as a girl who loves beauty, she was still worried.

 “I’ve never had an allergic reaction on my face and it was just scary as hell.”

 “Don’t be afraid, I’m always here.”

“Gu Chengxi said it was poisoning. What if I am really disfigured and ugly?”

 “First, I won’t make you ugly; second, answer within the scope of your if, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

The implication is that no matter what she is like, she is still beautiful in Ye Xichen's eyes.

Ye Weiwei was talking to Ye Xichen about his grievances and anxiety.

Ye Xichen patiently coaxed and comforted her with a gentle voice. The harmonious scene was really picturesque.

Only Gu Chengxi stood at the door and said two words with a sneer: "Haha!"

 Still so showy in his territory?

  Don't you need to consider the feelings of an "old man" who has been single for thirty years?

 It seems that these two people who shamelessly show affection should be driven out!

Even though Gu Chengxi usually has a "keep away from strangers" face as cold as an iceberg, a thirty-year-old single man is quite bored!

 Gu Chengxi passed by a door where there was a bouquet of roses, the same 99 roses that Ye Xichen took out of the car just now.

 From the outside, the packaging looks exquisite and it is a good product. Most girls like it.

 But if you look closely, the pink roses are beginning to wither.

Fresh real flowers will indeed slowly wither, but it will definitely not change like this.

 Pink rose petals turn black.

Gu Xicheng checked the roses again and found that there were other things in the pollen.

Gu Chengxi picked off the petals and took them for inspection.

As for Ye Youwei, according to Cheng Xi's instructions, he applied medicine to Ye Youwei every hour for three times in a row.

 After using it three times, my face feels very refreshed and comfortable.

 It’s a pity that the red spots on Ye Weiyi’s face still haven’t disappeared.

 But they have seen results after applying the medicine, and Ye Weiyi feels better.

 After struggling until midnight, Ye Xichen coaxed Ye Weiwei to fall asleep.

 After that, he went to see Gu Chengxi, who told him about the changes in Rose Flower and asked him to be more vigilant.

 “This flower has been tampered with.”

  “What are you using?”

 “A disfiguring poison.”

That poison makes people itchy. If the medicine doesn't work, spots will appear on the face. If the face is scratched due to itching, it will be disfigured.

Such a vicious thing cannot be a coincidence. Another explanation is... someone did it on purpose.

Ye Xichen investigated this matter and learned that Secretary Zhao went to the flower shop alone to pick up the roses this afternoon.

Ye Xichen asked about the specific situation of the roses. Secretary Zhao was afraid that he would be punished and did not dare to say anything.

But Ye Xichen is very good at psychological warfare. After a while, Secretary Zhao honestly explained what happened today.

“I want the surveillance records of that place, including the flower shop.”

 (End of this chapter)

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