My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 749: unspeakable love

 Chapter 749 Unspeakable love

 “What happened? Do you need help?”

 “No, I’ll probably delay watching the movie, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to go.”

“It doesn’t matter, there’s still more than an hour left, I’ll wait for you.”

"I think I can catch up in more than an hour, but I can't guarantee it. Luo, please make some second-hand preparations first."

 “That’s a lot of trouble, I’ll just wait for you.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll try my best, I won’t tell you now, bye.”

Gong Qianli simply hung up the call. Nangong Luo couldn't help laughing when he heard her whirring voice.

This girl has always done things like this, so it doesn't matter if he waits.

 “Brother, buy a bouquet of flowers.”

 “Kid, I don’t need flowers.”

“Brother, you are standing here alone with two movie tickets in your hands. You are obviously waiting for someone. Are you waiting for your girlfriend? If you buy a bunch for your girlfriend, she will be very happy!”

Nowadays, teenage children have become ghosts and spirits. When they speak in a conversation, their logic is clear and it touches people's hearts.

Nangong Luo immediately took out her wallet, looked at the flower seeds in her flower basket, and said, "I want all the sunflowers."

The child sells flowers not just to make money. She also told Nangong Luo kindly, "Brother, sunflowers represent silent love, and roses are more suitable for giving to girlfriends."

Roses represent passionate love, while sunflowers represent unspeakable love.

 Giving it to your girlfriend, of course, roses are the best.

But Nangong Luo shook his head and smiled, "Kid, thank you for your kindness, but I want sunflowers."

"Okay." The child gave all the sunflowers in the basket to Nangong Luo, and said very wittily: "I wish my brother a happy date with your girlfriend."

Nangong Luo felt happy after hearing this, and looked down at the sunflower in his hand with great joy.

Sunflowers represent silent love and chasing the sun.

 His Princess Liuli is sunshine.

But Nangong Luo didn't know that Gong Qianli hung up the phone because...she saw Gu Chengxi.

Gu Chengxi really came here to have a blind date with a woman.

The two were talking face to face. Gu Chengxi had a cold face as always, but the woman always had a faint smile on her face.

 The expression was like this, but they kept talking.

 “No!” Gong Qianli squeezed her phone tightly, unwilling to believe what she saw.

The iceberg like Gu Chengxi talks to people like gold, but now he talks with a woman. It is estimated that the impression of that woman is good? Or...satisfied?

 How is this possible!

If the conversation continues, wouldn’t this blind date be a success?

  We cannot allow them to develop.

Gong Qianli brushed her arms and looked down at her outfit. She thought it was pretty good.

She stood up, straightened her spine, patted her chest, exhaled, and walked directly in the direction of Gu Chengxi.

“Doctor Gu, what a coincidence, you come here to eat too?”

This common way of greeting can be used anywhere.

It was this greeting that attracted the attention of both Gu Chengxi and the woman opposite him.

I heard Gong Qianli say again: "It's nice to meet an acquaintance. You two are here, why don't we share a table?"

Gong Qianli is a student in the police academy. She has an out-of-the-box personality and her words are more "spiritual", hehe.

She is not thin-skinned, and she is not shy at all when she takes the initiative to help others.

It was the woman who took the initiative to ask: "Who is this?"

Gong Qianli blinked directly at Gu Chengxi.

Gu Chengxi had a cold face, but did not drive Gong Qianli away. He just explained her identity as, "a friend."

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 (End of this chapter)

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