My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 766: trying to seduce

Chapter 766 Trying to seduce

Ye Weiwei received a message from the housekeeper an hour after going out: As you expected, Miss Situ came to see Master Chen.

In just a few days, the housekeeper has been subdued by Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei’s appearance and charm belong to the upper class. She treats people gently, doesn’t put on airs, and is most willing to win people’s hearts.

 Except for people with ulterior motives, who wouldn’t like her?

“Butler, who are you texting?”

 Old Mrs. Mo suddenly appeared and scared the housekeeper.

 The housekeeper quickly turned off his cell phone and wanted to deny it, but Mrs. Mo did not let him go.

"I've seen it all. You picked up your phone after Xiaoxiao came in. You are an old man from the Mo family. Do you still need me to go to great lengths to check some things?"

Old Mrs. Mo suffered from Ye Xichen, but others could not benefit from her.

 Although Mrs. Mo is here, she is very smart.

The housekeeper naturally understood what the old lady meant, so he told him what Ye Weiwei had told him.

After explaining clearly, he also made a point of expressing his feelings, "Old madam, I only said this because of Miss Qiao's special request. But don't worry, old madam, I will never betray the master of the Mo family."

 The housekeeper spoke plausibly, and Old Mrs. Mo raised her hand slightly to signal him to stop.

Old Mrs. Mo expressed her position, "I just pretend I don't know about this matter. Since she specifically asked you, you can deliver the news for her according to your original ideas."


 After receiving Old Mrs. Mo's instructions, the housekeeper's heart dropped into his stomach.

 Old Mrs. Mo did not pursue this matter specifically.

  When I met Ye Weiyi in S City, I knew she was not the weak girl she appeared to be. I heard Mo Si say that this girl is very capable, and now it seems that she is indeed so.

As long as she is willing, it is not difficult to win people's hearts.

 It’s a pity that she is not keen on pleasing everyone.

 Old Mrs. Mo calmed down and pretended that she didn't know about it.

She also knows a little bit about Situ Xiao's character. She likes to have boyfriends, but now she may have fallen in love with Ye Xichen's face.

She should also be allowed to encounter obstacles and endure hardships before she learns to give up.

As for Situ Xiao, she didn't know that Ye Xichen returned to the Mo family to treat her hereditary heart disease.

So when she found out that Ye Xichen hadn't gone out to play with Ye Yiyi for so many days, she felt that Ye Xichen didn't really care about Ye Yiyi.

“It’s no wonder that such an obedient woman always lacks enthusiasm.”

Situ Xiao naturally muttered to himself and followed the direction directed by the housekeeper to find Ye Xichen.

The reason why Ye Xichen did not go out with Ye Weiwei was because he was in the treatment stage and could not go out to expend so much physical energy.

When Situ Xiao walked into the courtyard, he saw Ye Xichen sitting there, holding a tablet in his hand and looking serious.

From the side, you can see his angular facial features, high bridge of nose, and thin lips, giving him a very ascetic look.

Situ Xiao has had many boyfriends and met all kinds of men, but there has never been one like Ye Xichen.

Not only his appearance, but also his innate temperament, it feels so unique to people.

Situ Xiao felt that this time it was not just about taming, but also felt a strange heartbeat.

Situ Xiao walked slowly over to greet him, "Brother Chen, are you here alone?"

Hearing the sound of footsteps and voices, Ye Xichen looked slightly sideways.

 (End of this chapter)

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