My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 782: The little bell regarded as the murderer

 Chapter 782 The little bell regarded as the murderer

“Someone is harming me! I heard the bell! Someone is harming my child on purpose!”

As soon as An Ruan woke up, he touched his belly and asked if the child was okay.

 But when she learned the truth about her miscarriage from others, An Ruan almost collapsed.

 At first she complained that she didn’t believe it, but then she said that someone was deliberately harming her.

The words she said naturally aroused the attention of those who were interested.

“Ruan Ruan, you said you heard the bell ringing before you fainted?”

"Yes, I was knocked unconscious when I went to the toilet and was about to go out, but before I fainted, I heard the ringing of the bell. I promise I heard it clearly!"

Mo Feng seemed to wake up suddenly and strode out of the ward.

Because of An Ruan's words, everyone noticed that after An Ruan's accident, the salesperson who had been formed and was never seen from beginning to end.

Mo Ruoshuang was still adding fuel to the fire, "Maybe I did something to make me feel guilty, so I don't dare to show up now."

 “Stop talking nonsense!” Old Mrs. Mo scolded her.

An Ruan's miscarriage is indeed strange. People here started to investigate, and they also found Ye Weiwei.

 In fact, Ye Weiwei and Ye Xichen only found out about An Ruan's miscarriage the next day.

The day before, they found some information related to Li Cheng and went to investigate. How did they know about An Ruan?

 But the Mohists were suspicious of them, so they called Ye Weiwei over for questioning.

At first, Mrs. Mo spoke tactfully, "There was a big incident at home yesterday, which made the couple panic. You and Chen'er didn't come home all night. Did you encounter some trouble?"

 Old Mrs. Mo just wanted to ask them about yesterday's itinerary in the name of caring for the younger generation.

Ye Weiwei mentioned a location, which reminded Old Mrs. Mo of her thoughts.

Old Mrs. Mo asked tentatively: "Where you went yesterday, was there a gallery next to it?"

 Ye nodded unequivocally, "I guess so, I didn't pay much attention to it."

 Old Mrs. Mo looked into her eyes and found no strange expression in them.

Yesterday, the gallery was where Mo Ruoshuang took An Ruan to meet other noble ladies. They watched the words and cultivated their sentiments. During their break, they found a place to sit down, drink tea, chat, and talk about paintings.

An Ruan didn't quite understand these elegant things, and he tried his best to blend in. He kept drinking water to relieve his nervousness, and then went to the toilet.

 An accident happened…

Of course, Ye Weiwei had heard these things when he came back.

Mo Feng’s mother was the first person who couldn’t sit still. She stood up and asked, “Where were you when An Ruan’s accident happened?”

“Does Second Auntie mean that An Ruan’s accident has anything to do with me?”

“An Ruan said it herself that she heard the sound of bells at the place where the accident happened.” Mo Feng’s mother pointedly looked at the bell bracelet on Ye Weiwei’s wrist.

Ye Weiwei slowly raised his hand, raised the bell in front of himself, shook it twice, and the bell made a crisp sound.

She raised her eyes slightly and asked, "Is this the sound of bells?"

Mo Feng’s mother immediately accused her, “You are the murderer!”

Ye Weiwei smiled and narrowed his eyes while raising the corners of his mouth, "Second aunt, you have to pay attention to evidence when speaking. I have never been to any gallery, and I have never met An Ruan. As for whether she heard the bell, it has nothing to do with me."

I didn’t expect Ye Weiyi, who usually looked weak, to be so tough.

Mo Feng’s mother directly asked her to confront him, “Then you go and confront An Ruan.”

"I dont go."

 (End of this chapter)

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