My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 784: The drama queen himself

Chapter 784 The drama queen herself

An Ruan was extremely excited when she saw Ye Weiyi. If Mo Feng hadn't stopped her, she would have rushed in front of Ye Weiyi and slapped her.

 “Qiao Li! Why are you so cruel to hurt my child!”

An Ruan struggled forward with great effort. Mo Feng supported her waist with all his strength and kept comforting her, "Ruan Ruan, don't get excited. Just go back to bed and lie down and don't hurt yourself, okay? Don't get excited."

 But this emotion cannot be calmed down, especially when he saw the "suspect" who caused his miscarriage, An Ruan couldn't control his temper.

Ye Weiwei was very calm when he saw An Ruan's series of reactions.

 Originally, these people have nothing to do with her, and she is not the Holy Mother. She wants to show sympathy to someone who is resentful of herself.

“An Ruan, I’m here just to make it clear to you, so that everyone won’t impose unnecessary charges on me.”

An Ruan refused to listen to the explanation and accused her relentlessly, "I think you are just quibbling! You are so scheming at a young age! There is nothing a cruel woman like you can't do!"

Ye Weiwei felt uncomfortable after hearing this, and directly retorted, "You are just trying to slander me without any evidence. Are you using your brain?"

"Qiao Ling!" Mo Feng suddenly called her name seriously and taught her a lesson confidently, "Ruan Ruan is emotionally unstable now. Just ask her to say a few words. She is your sister-in-law, how can you challenge her! "

"It's really pitiful that she had an accident, but why should I have to bear her anger? Even if I have the title of sister-in-law, I can't act so recklessly." What's more, she doesn't want to recognize her as a big brother or sister-in-law!

Neither Mo Feng nor Mo Feng’s mother expected that Ye Weiwei, who had previously looked weak and easy to bully, would suddenly become so tough.

Only An Ruan knows that this is the only true nature of night.

 And she almost exposed what had happened just now because of her impulsiveness.

An Ruan kept warning herself in her mind that she would use the miscarriage to suppress Ye Weiyi, but she must not expose the dark history of junior high school, otherwise it would be harmful to her.

Since the two of them had different opinions, they decided to wait for someone to find evidence.

Mo Ruoshuang, who came in a hurry, saw all An Ruan's reactions.

Mo Ruoshuang had doubts in her heart.

 An Ran and Ye Weiwei did not have much contact in the Mo family. Even if he suspected Ye Weiwei was the murderer, he should not have such a reaction...

Mo Ruoshuang hesitated for a while and then opened the door of the ward. She leaned close and whispered a few words in Mo Feng's ear. Mo Feng's eyes involuntarily shifted to Ye Weiwei, and his eyes became a little deeper.

 Then Mo Ruoshuang opened her cell phone again and showed Mo Feng something.

Mrs. Mo Er and An Ruan both involuntarily stretched their necks forward to take a look, but Ye Weiwei leaned against the table calmly, as if he didn't care about anything.

"I know." After watching the video, Mo Feng waved to Mo Ruoshuang.

Mo Ruoshuang nodded and stood beside Mo Feng.

 I saw Mo Feng walking towards Yewei step by step. The atmosphere in the ward condensed instantly, as if a storm was about to come!

He asked Ye Weiwei, "You didn't go to the gallery yesterday, do you really mean that?"

Ye Weiwei nodded, "Of course, I don't need to speak."

 “If there is a video as evidence, how will you explain it?”

"Videos can be faked. The best way is of course... to find the culprit!" Ye's only gaze suddenly turned to Mo Ruoshuang.

 (End of this chapter)

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