My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 786: Big brother will love you more

Chapter 786: Big brother will cherish you more

"I have made my own decision on this matter. You all should go out and don't disturb Ruan Ruan to rest."

No one expected that Mo Feng kicked out all the important people at the most critical moment.

An Ruan was left pretending to be weak in Mo Feng's arms.

Mo Feng heard her sobbing quietly and felt heartbroken when he thought of her grievances.

 He is now convinced that this matter has something to do with his most beloved sister Mo Ruoshuang, but he cannot admit it, nor can he be as cruel as Mo Ruoshuang.

Mo Feng coaxed her for a long time and promised her many benefits. Mo Feng did not leave until An Ruan fell asleep.

 Mo Feng had troubles and pressure in his heart and nowhere to vent them.

Ke Mo Ruoshuang took this opportunity to sneak into An Ruan's room and stayed there for about ten minutes.

 Not long after, Ye Weiwei received an "invitation" from the police station.

  The police collected confessions. Ye Weiwei was adamant that he did not go to the gallery yesterday, but An Ruan insisted that Ye Weiwei killed his child.

Mo Ruoshuang greeted the people from the police station. They deliberately targeted Ye Weiyi. Even if the charges were unnecessary, they only listened to the victim An Ruan's words.

An Ruan and Ye Weiwei were face to face, and Mo Ruoshuang was always by An Ruan's side, instigating and encouraging.

 Ye Wei's face remained unchanged.

Her calm look made An Ruan and Mo Ruoshuang anxious and a little more angry.

“Comrade police, a vicious woman like this should be taken directly to jail.”

“Mrs. Mo, Miss Mo, we must also use formal channels when handling cases.”

Of course the police are suspected of being biased towards An Ruan, but since he is working and all the evidence he writes must be included in the case, he does not dare to be too blatant.

However, before he could finish the record in his hand, someone came from outside and said, "The director is here!"

The chief personally took action, and the small police officers could only stand aside.

The dignified director stopped there and said straight to the point: "I heard that you just received security information from a person named An Ruan and brought back a suspect named Qiao Li?"

The only little policeman who was interrogating him all night quickly stood up and said, "Report to the chief..."

Before the little policeman could say a few words, when the chief heard the word "detention", his face had already darkened a few shades.

He opened a road domineeringly. When he saw Ye Weiwei, he didn't ask any questions and directly ordered the little policemen guarding him, "Don't let them go yet!"

The people at the police station saw a stunning beauty with an elegant temperament being picked up by the director himself. Looking at the director's enthusiasm, it seemed as if the person coming was not a suspect but a superior!

  Until Ye Weiyi left, the little policeman who had just accepted the bribe to interrogate Ye Weiwei didn't react. He was stunned for a while and suddenly started to panic.

Not long after, the policeman who had accepted the bribe received a letter of dismissal.

Mo Ruoshuang was very angry. She also wanted to use the name of the Mo family to put pressure on her superiors, but those people ignored her at all.

Mo Ruoshuang was so angry that she just encouraged An Ruan to go to Mrs. Mo and complain.

An Ruan knew that Mo Ruoshuang had ulterior motives and did not want to be used as a weapon.

 But Mo Ruoshuang grasped An Ruan's vanity at that moment, "You are now married to my eldest brother, and his honor and disgrace are inseparable from you."

"As long as grandma feels that Qiao Lian and Ye Xichen are harboring evil intentions, grandma will be biased against eldest brother, and eldest brother will love you more. The Mo family belongs to eldest brother alone. Do you understand this truth?"

Mo Ruoshuang held An Ruan's arm tightly, her gaze getting deeper and deeper.

 Finally, An Ruan nodded.

 (End of this chapter)

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