My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 797: Xiaomo mixes into the Mo family

Chapter 797 Xiao Mo sneaks into the Mohist family

The sound of shower came from the bathroom, and Xiaomo was lying on the bed wrapped in quilt.

"Beep, beep, beep!" Situ Yan's cell phone vibrated. Xiao Mo took it over and took a look, and saw the words "Business trip on the 7th...".

The 7th is tomorrow.

Xiaomo put the phone back, remembering that a few hours ago she was still angry with Situ Yan, but now she was being gentle.

 At that time, she just couldn't suppress her anger towards Ye Youwei's jealousy, so she hid in the room and lost her temper.

After waiting for a while, she told Situ Yan softly about her jealousy. She said something like, "I'm jealous that you have someone else in your heart." She once told Situ Yan, "I do this because I like you so much and care about you so much." I'll be angry with you."

This kind of little quarrel between lovers is the spice of emotion, and Xiaomo controls it very well.

 So she played around with Situ Yan.

 When Situ Yan came out of the bathroom, Xiao Mo lay in his arms and talked about tomorrow's events, "Xiao Mo recently learned a new dish and will cook it for Brother Yan tomorrow."

Situ Yan hesitated when he heard that tomorrow would happen. He picked up his phone and looked at it a few times. He told Xiaomo apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have to go on a business trip tomorrow."

Xiao Mo was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the news, and asked casually: "How many days will Brother Yan be away?"

 “It’s a training, I’m going there for a week.”

Situ Yan stared at Xiao Mo closely as he spoke, and as expected, he saw a slightly disappointed look on her face.

 But there is no other way, men must put the overall situation first.

Xiao Mo didn’t pester him, but cheered him up, “Brother Yan’s work is very hard. You should also pay attention to your health when traveling on business.”

 Xiao Mo’s thoughtfulness made Situ Yan very happy.

It is said that heroes have a hard time being a beauty, but those who are not heroes... are even more sad!

After Situ Yan left, Xiao Mo looked at the empty villa and laughed heartily, letting out all the anger he had been holding in his heart for the past few days!


 The only time during this period of the night was An Ruan's treatment during pregnancy, such as food.

Each of her meals is delivered on time, and the chef will specifically ask her about her favorite flavors and always prepare her favorite pastries.

At this moment, a new handyman came to the Mo family's kitchen. He was small and looked like he was underage.

 She is not as diligent as the handyman. When calling the cook, she always says "Master", and the cook is also satisfied with her.

“There are many Mohists. Sometimes they are required to eat at the same table, but most of them are separated, so you have to remember everyone’s taste...” The chef told her many precautions, and she wrote them down one by one.

Only when talking about Qiao Li, she seemed to mention it casually, "This Miss Qiao eats very healthy food."

“Hush, Miss Qiao is pregnant, but it’s a tacit thing in the Mo family. You just need to know.”

 The handyman nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

 The chef is definitely a little more satisfied.

 The delivery of food is also arranged in shifts, and the handyman is assigned to deliver meals to the twins.

The twins were playing chess and were confused at the end of the game.

The handyman just went to deliver food, but the twins stopped him, "Hey, hey, hey, stop!"

The handyman suddenly stooped a little, turned around and lowered his head and asked, "Miss, do you have any other instructions?"

 The twins asked her strangely, "Look at this chess game, how can you break it?"

 The handyman shook his head, and the twins sighed and let her go.

The handyman breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to go out, he saw the twins waving towards the door, "Second sister-in-law, come in quickly!"

 (End of this chapter)

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