My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 803: The Revenge of the Yandere (2) Super Burning

Chapter 803: The Revenge of the Yandere (2) Super Burning

Li Mo'er couldn't hold her breath after all and inhaled the pollen.

 Ye Weiwei threw away the flowers with satisfaction and picked up a glass of water from the side, "This is the second gift."

 The second gift…

Li Moer thought that the second time he designed Ye Xiwei was to pour acid on her in the orphanage.

Li Moer looked at the glass of "water" in fear, shaking her head repeatedly, "No, no, please."

Li Moer was extremely frightened when she thought about how corrosive sulfuric acid was.

She could no longer care about her arrogance in the face of the enemy. She shook her head and begged for mercy, "Only, only I was wrong. Please let me go. I will never dare to do it again."

 Keep begging for mercy, even if it means giving up your dignity. Because she really doesn’t want her appearance to be ruined!

 But, how can a demon know how to feel sorry for his enemy?

Ye Weiwei seemed not to understand Li Moer's reaction to begging for mercy at this moment. She asked like a curious student: "Why do you ask for it from me? Is it because I didn't ask for you before, so you attacked me so cruelly?"

Li Moer cried and shook his head to admit his mistake, "No, no, I was blinded by hatred before, and it was my fault. It's all my fault!"

 “Please, let me go.”

  What he said was better than what he sang. He was so pitiful that ordinary people would probably feel sympathy.

 But Li Mo'er's mistake lies in...

 The only thing about Ye is that he is not an ordinary person!

 Her mind was twisted when she was a child!

I will not offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will pay them back!

 So, she took out a glass stick, stirred it in the "water", and touched it slightly on the back of Li Mo'er's hand.

I don’t know whether it was the effect of the water or Li Moer’s inner reasons, but she started screaming loudly as soon as she touched her.

Ye Weiwei shook her head helplessly, "So weak."

At that time, she had to wash her hands after having sulfuric acid thrown on her. The pain was such that she had to go to the hospital for treatment.

"Don't be afraid. Although there is so much water, I only need to use a little."

Ye Weiwei took a special suction head to **** out the "water" and held Li Moer's fingers with his gloved hand.

Li Mo'er couldn't resist and could only watch Ye Weiwei earnestly drip the contents of the suction tip onto the back of her hand.

 The burning sensation spread instantly, causing Li Moer to burst into tears.

 The only fear in the night is to see one's own masterpiece without thinking.

Li Moer, who was crying bitterly, gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "You are a devil!"

Ye Weiwei nodded, as if he was deeply convinced.

 “Well, I am the devil, but you provoked the devil.”

Li Moer felt that if the night was allowed to go on alone, she would probably die here.

At that moment, Ye Weiwei seemed to see through her thoughts and told her clearly, "Don't worry, I will let you live well."

Her tone of voice became gentler, and the smile on her face remained sweet.

Li Mo'er already felt that her face was itching, and she couldn't scratch it even if she wanted to.

Ye Ziwei thoughtfully held up a small mirror so that she could see her face clearly.

Li Moer fainted from the pain when she saw red spots all over her face and heat and pain in her hands.

Ye Weiwei took off his gloves and clapped his hands, and said "tsk" twice in disgust, "It's so scary."

Soon, another doctor in a white coat came in to treat Li Moer's wound.

“Miss, Mr. Ye is already looking for you.”

“Okay, remember to take good care of her for me, um, treat her well.”


 “Don’t let him know.”


This chapter and the previous one are so cool to write. Qibao guys, please don’t hesitate to subscribe. I like these two chapters so much.



 (End of this chapter)

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