My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 805: Gentle and kind...devil

Chapter 805 The Gentle and Kind-hearted…Devil

 “My girlfriend, Xiaomo is missing.”

Come on, Situ Yan ran to Mo’s house to find his girlfriend.

 Situ Yan came to Mo Feng and Ye Youwei to help find people.

“Xiao Mo disappeared last night. She couldn’t remember anything due to amnesia, and now she can’t be found. I’m really worried about her having an accident.”

 The family scandal should not be made public, but Situ Yan had no other choice.

 Because after Li Moer disappeared, Situ Yan couldn't get through the phone and couldn't find anyone. He couldn't contact her no matter what.

The power of the Situ family should not be underestimated, but Mrs. Situ turned a deaf ear to Mr. Situ, who was the master of the family, thereby limiting Situ Yan's power.

Situ Yan now only has some of his loyal subordinates looking for someone, but he is too worried about Xiao Mo, so he has to ask his friends for help.

 He knew that Mo Feng would definitely agree, there was almost no suspense about it.

As for finding Ye Weiwei, it was because he knew that Ye Xichen himself was very powerful, and it would be best if there was one more person to help him.

“Yan, don’t worry, I’ll help you find it for your brother. I’ll send someone to help you find him right away!” Mo Feng assured him by patting his chest and immediately arranged for someone to go.

When it came to Ye Yiwei's side, Situ Yan was still a little unable to hold it.

He asked in a nice tone, and Ye Weiwei nodded in agreement, "Don't worry, I will try my best to help."

Ye Weiwei made a phone call and arranged for someone to go find Xiaomo.

During the time when he was lying down, Ye Weiwei chatted with Situ Yan for a few words, "It seems that Mr. Yan likes that girlfriend named Xiaomo very much."

Situ Yan didn’t know how to describe his feelings for Xiaomo.

At first he felt fresh, but when the little woman who relied on him at all times really heard from him, he felt lost in his heart and wanted to find her back to fill the empty feeling in his heart.

Situ Yan was silent for a while and said, "I really like her."

When Ye Weiwei heard this promise, his expression remained unchanged, and he just told Situ Yan, "Don't worry, kind people will naturally be blessed by God and be safe."

Her words are gentle and have a special soothing effect.

Situ Yan felt that the irritable mood in his heart gradually calmed down due to her influence.

Facing such a gentle and kind girl, he could only try his best to hide his negative emotions, fearing that the pure white paper would be stained, even at all.

Situ Yan did not stay at the Mo family for long before leaving.

 He said he would continue to look for people.

As the host, Ye Weiyi politely walked him to the door. Until she saw Situ Yan's car leaving, the smile in her eyes disappeared little by little.

She returned to the room to tidy up, and when she was about to go out, the twins called out, "Second sister-in-law, are you going out?"

She smiled softly and said, "Yes, my friend asked me to do something for him, and I want to help him."

 The twins followed excitedly, "Second sister-in-law, take us with you."

Seeing their hopeful eyes, Ye Weiwei shook his head, "I promised others to keep it a secret, so I can't tell you."

"Okay." The twins roughly knew it was because of Situ Yan, because when they asked Mo Feng just now, Mo Feng also answered the same way.

In this way, Ye Weiwei left the Mo family alone.

 She drove by herself and turned several roads before driving to an ordinary building.

 After confirming that no one was following, someone came out to respond.

 “Miss, come in quickly.”

 (End of this chapter)

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