My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 811: Let him sleep

Chapter 811: Let him sleep

The Mo family clearly felt that the atmosphere around the indifferent Ye Xichen seemed to have dropped to sub-zero temperatures.

Logically speaking, Ye Weiyi had just come back, and Ye Xichen should be worried, but the two of them didn't say a few words from beginning to end.

 Twins: "Is the second sister-in-law going to fall out of favor?"

The twins don’t understand, but they think it’s not a good thing.

 The twins complained a few words among their good friends, and Situ Xiao took them to heart.

Situ Xiao dressed up and wandered around Mo's house. If she found Ye Xichen, she would not have a chance to speak. She would be ridiculed by Ye Xichen, who spoke in a very humiliating way.

Situ Xiao scolded Ye Xichen, and the next day he brought a little girl to his door, whom he called his new boyfriend.

The only boyfriend I saw at night was Situ Xiao, and he even looked at Situ Xiao and I felt much more pleasing to the eye.

 “The love rival finally gave up.”

This realization made Ye Weiwei very happy, and she understood clearly, what did Situ Xiao say? She is so pampered by her family that she feels that whatever she likes belongs to her, and if it is not hers, she will **** it away and make it hers.

Perhaps Ye Xichen was too exceptional. After making Miss Situ lose face, she was very embarrassed, so she looked for another target and said: I don't just care about you!

But it’s better for Situ Xiao to do this.

 Ye Yiwei felt much more comfortable.

Of course, she was also upset because Ye Xichen still didn't pay much attention to her.

 This matter can't be rushed at once.

Ye Xichen is always angry. Angry people need to be coaxed, and Ye Weiyi plans to find a way to coax them.

Gong Qianli, who had been missing for a long time, finally came in handy.

 Bah! It's not like they've lost contact. The two of them have a good relationship and send messages almost every day.

But Ye Weiyi hasn’t asked Gong Qianli for help in emotional matters for a long time, because in Ye Weiyi’s view, Gong Qianli is not very reliable. After all, she can’t even handle her own feelings!

 But when you are holding something back and can't talk to your boyfriend, you will definitely want to talk to your best friend.

Ye Weiwei hid his revenge on Li Moer and told Gong Qianli roughly about his personal danger, hoping to brainstorm ideas.

Gong Qianli, in the name of having high emotional intelligence, began to reason with her, "This is your fault. You clearly know that Brother Chen loves you so much, and is reluctant to let you get hurt, yet you have to fall into a trap because of others. If it were me, I would be angry too!”

Gong Qianli said that she also wanted to be angry.

Ye Weiwei asked her smartly: "You are going to be a policeman in the future. If the person you want to save falls into the hands of gangsters, will you just run away with your own life in mind?"

When Ye Weiwei asked this question, Gong Qianli felt that what she said made sense.

“Youyi, you are right, you can’t help yourself in that situation. Brother Chen is the one who got into trouble!”

"But I'm not here to ask you to analyze the situation. I know why he is angry, but I don't know how to coax him."

 “Ah, let him sleep.”


 “What did I just say?”

  Repeated it embarrassedly, "You said... you slept with him..."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I was talking to the cook in the kitchen. I asked her to chop the skinny ones into pieces. It was sui, not shui!" Gong Qianli emphasized again.

"Oh." Ye Weiwei expressed understanding, but was still confused: "What should I do?"

"Let him sleep! I'm serious, let him sleep!"

 (End of this chapter)

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