My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 821: Deliberately dressing up to hide your appearance

Chapter 821 Deliberately dressing up to hide your appearance

The only time I met Yu Anran was in the afternoon of that day.

Yu Anran is here, Ye Weiyi pays great attention to her neck, but unexpectedly... Bei Ye's necklace is missing!

She had only thought that Yu Anran kept the necklace before, but when they met in the afternoon, the necklace was gone.

 Is it such a coincidence? Has Yu Anran really figured it out and forgotten Bei Ye?

 The two have been friends for many years. Even if they don't meet each other every day, it still cannot change the fact that their friendship is deep-rooted.

Yu Anran was wearing professional attire. Ye Weiyi always felt weird looking at her makeup and dress, as if she was deliberately dressing herself up to look old-fashioned.

 But even friends are embarrassed to say this.

 After all, dressing up is all about dressing up. Women want to please their appearance, so they don’t need to pay special attention to their appearance when meeting friends.

The two chatted for a few ordinary words, and the topic soon turned to life-long events.

Yu Anran has paid special attention to seeking truth from facts since she was lagging behind in studying law, so she asked directly: "When will the wedding be held?"

The only thing Ye is not sure about is the time, because if she holds the wedding now, it will be more troublesome for her to do things later.

“I’m not sure yet, but I already have a red book.”

 “That’s true.”

Yu Anran nodded, she recognized the legally effective document.

Ye Weiyi burst out laughing, "Anran, your reaction is so cute."

Yu Anran asked: "What's the reaction?"

 “pretending to be mature.”


People like Yu Anran have one ability that others can never catch up with, that is, they can chat to death.

 Ye Weiyi is not annoyed because she is used to getting along with Yu Anran.

Ye Weiwei pointed at her naturally beautiful face and asked, "Did you know that you have a beautiful face?"

"so what?"

"You should dress up and show your most beautiful look. You can attract attention wherever you go. Others will know that you are very good." Yu Anran is a stunning type of beauty. If you dress up and stand outside, others will see When I first arrived, I felt it had a great visual impact.

 It’s not an exaggeration to shout “goddess”.

 Ke Yu Anran said: "No need."


 “Don’t want others to know.”

“So we Anron want to hide our merit and fame?”

 “Feels unnecessary.”

“Is it because you don’t feel the need to show your beauty to those people?”

 “Well, those people are boring.”

From the conversation, Ye Weiwei got a rough idea of ​​Yu Anran's thoughts. It turned out that she always dressed like this no matter where she went. Even if she was forced to attend a banquet, she would deliberately make her makeup look old-fashioned, just because she didn't want to make herself look old-fashioned. A delicate and beautiful face is revealed.

Mrs. Yu once scolded her for this and said she was stupid.

But Yu Anran told Mrs. Yu very insistently, "Mother, if you think that I want to use this beauty to win the attention of men, it would be too cheap. I am the daughter of the Yu family."

Probably that sentence touched the feminist idea in Mrs. Yu’s heart. After that, no matter how Yu Anran dressed herself up to look old-fashioned or whatever, as long as it was not too excessive, Mrs. Yu would not interrupt.

Ye Weiwei praised An Ran for being smart after hearing it.

“An Ran, you are so awesome. As expected of a law student, your eloquence is superb!”

 “Well, do you want me to teach you?”

Yeye Weiwei quickly waved her hands, fearing to avoid him, "It's better not to use it."

 The smile on Yu Anran's face disappeared fleetingly.

She casually glanced out the window, her eyes seeming to be fixed there.

 (End of this chapter)

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