My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 823: An Ran's ex-boyfriend

 Chapter 823 An Ran’s ex-boyfriend

Meeting a blind date who is very different from the photo, even a person like Yu Anran who doesn’t particularly care about appearance would find it difficult to accept it.

“Miss Yu, I want to ask you some questions. Do you mind?”

 You haven’t said it yet, how do I know if I will mind?

  Putting away the rich activities in his heart, Yu Anran showed his cherished words as gold again, "Ask."

 “How many boyfriends have you had?”


 “Most of the time?”

"high school."

 “What kind of person is your boyfriend?”

“…” Yu Anran cast a sharp gaze at Mr. Qin, clearly warning: If you keep talking nonsense, you will be destroyed!

Mr. Qin couldn't bear the look from Yu Anran, but thinking of someone's instructions, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and continue.

Mr. Qin explained his relationship history in detail, "I have had three girlfriends, one in college, one in internship, and one at work. But I assure you, those are all in the past. I will never have any trouble with them.”

 The straightforward Yu Anran: "I'm not interested in these."

Mr. Qin defended himself, "Miss Yu, it's like this. I am quite upright and I want to be honest with my significant other, so I want to know about your relationship."

Yu Anran’s face turned cold, “Do you understand now?”

Mr. Qin shamelessly asked tentatively: "Um, can you allow me to ask you one more question?"


Yu Anran decisively and neatly put her phone back into her bag, took out a few hundred-dollar bills from her bag, pressed them on the table, and left the table domineeringly.

Mr. Qin slapped himself in the face.

  Not all businessmen who look serious are serious, he is just a funny person who is entrusted by others.

Seeing Yu Anran was about to leave, Mr. Qin thought that his mission had not been completed yet, so he quickly chased after him.

"Miss Yu, please wait a moment. I think you are a very unique woman. I have a good feeling about you. I think we can talk more."

 “We have different paths and we don’t want to work together, so there’s no need to talk about it anymore!”

Yu Anran rejected him decisively.

Mr. Qin was still planning to use his shameless skills when he suddenly received a call.

Mr. Qin saw the caller ID and glanced at Yu Anran meaningfully.

At this moment, Yu Anran was standing on the side of the road waving to the taxi, and a yellow taxi stopped.

Yu Anran sat in without hesitation. Mr. Qin only saw her profile.

Yu Anran immediately reported her address after sitting in.

The driver turned on the navigation system and remained silent.

Yu Anran moved out of the Yu family after graduation.

 She did not choose any gorgeous room, but a house in a community with only two bedrooms, one living room, plus a kitchen and bathroom.

 Because she didn't like living in the big house of the Yu family without feeling any warmth.

  On the contrary, the small house as far as the eye can see gave her a greater sense of belonging.

 After Yu Anran got in the car, she turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

 The driver may not be able to find the place. Occasionally, when he needs to take a detour, Yu Anran will remind him of the shortcut.

The driver didn't say anything the whole way, but he did follow Yu Anran's instructions and drove her back to the community.

Yu Anran scanned the QR code on the taxi and transferred ten yuan.

 She said while opening the car door: "Thank you."


The man finally spoke up.

  So the question is, was the taxi driver arranged?



 (End of this chapter)

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