My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 847: Calling himself An Ran’s boyfriend

Chapter 847 Calling himself An Ran’s boyfriend

Beiye said deliberately: "I'm a rough person, and it's annoying to hear you people apologize and thank you!"

 “I’m sorry to upset you.”


Bei Ye discovered that Yu Anran had such an ability. Not only could he chat to death, but he could also make you want to vomit blood.

"Yu Anran, you are very capable. Do you think you can sit back and relax after that night?" Kitano smiled mischievously at the corner of his mouth again.

  When mentioning that night, Yu Anran would naturally think of Kitano calmly commenting on her "good service" the next day.

 “Is this a warning?”

"Yes, you have to know that the Yu family that you care about most is in my hands. Don't be so arrogant. I don't like women who are more arrogant than me."

Yu Anran turned away his eyes and said, "I don't need your favor."

 “Tsk, stop pretending to be aloof and don’t forget our deal.”

Yu Anran took a deep breath and held the sheets tightly with her hands hidden under the quilt.

 Didn’t she rely on her own body to gain benefits? What's the difference between her and the kind of woman who makes money from her body?

 Oh, probably the difference is that she only has one man, Bei Ye, and her one night is worth the entire Yu family.

Perhaps she should be happy and grateful? Her luck is much better than many people...

 It's a pity that she really couldn't laugh or say anything cheery to Kitano.

 There was a rush of heat under her body, and her stomach began to hurt again.

Yu Anran lowered his head, endured the pain, and tried to speak to him in normal language, "I want to take a rest. If there is anything else, we can talk about it later."

Hearing what she said, Beiye clenched his fist but did not force her to stay.

After he left, Yu Anran let go of her palms and gasped for air. There was dense sweat on her forehead, which had soaked the broken hair stuck to her forehead.

 She seemed to have fallen asleep again and felt powerless about many things.

Bei Ye did not leave the hospital immediately, but went to the doctor to ask about Yu Anran's condition.

The doctor was reluctant to say it at first, but Kitano had just stayed in Yu Anran's room for a long time, and the two of them obviously knew each other.

When asked about their identities, Kitano said without hesitation: "I am her boyfriend."

The doctor is a woman. When she heard the young man introduce himself to her family, her eyes changed when she looked at him.

 “How do you take care of your girlfriend when her menstrual cramps are so painful?”

"I'm sorry." Mr. Bei, who was arrogant outside and did not bow his head to apologize easily, bowed his head quickly in front of the doctor.

The doctor looked at the two young men and sighed, "It's useless for you to apologize to me. The most important thing is to take good care of your girlfriend. She has a cold body, which can easily affect her fertility..."

 “Okay, I’ll pay attention.”

 Kitano humbly asked the doctor for advice, and the doctor did not hesitate to explain the specific things clearly.

 After finishing speaking, Bei Ye still did not forget to tell the doctor not to tell Yu Anran what he had asked about.

 The doctor just thought he was thin-skinned and agreed.

As he walked to the door, Kitano suddenly fell back and asked the doctor to recommend a book on dysmenorrhea.

The doctor lamented, “It’s not easy for young people today to be so attentive.”

 After Kitano left, the doctor took out Yu Anran's examination report sheet, which clearly stated that it was difficult to conceive.

Bei Ye happened to bump into the Yu family’s housekeeper face to face when he was going out.

The housekeeper originally thought he was the man who was on a blind date with Yu Anran, but then when he saw Bei Ye's name, he suddenly remembered that he was Yu Anran's ex-boyfriend!

 “Sir, wait a minute…”

Mr. Bei is thick-skinned



 (End of this chapter)

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