My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 849: It's your daughter begging me on her knees...

Chapter 849 It was your daughter who begged me on her knees...

"Check out the latest information on Bei Ye." Madam Yu wanted to know herself and her enemy well enough to survive a hundred battles.

However, she didn’t know that Erlang, the former young man, had already traveled all over the world and had a city wall of his own.

It was obviously not easy for Mrs. Yu to check Bei Ye, because the result brought back by Assistant Sun was, "Nothing to check."

  There is no information about Beiye, which means that the other party's ability is stronger than theirs.

When Mrs. Yu heard this, she seemed to have lost all strength and sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

This Kitano has become a rich and powerful CEO, and he has come back to help the Yu family. What is his plan?

“Madam, Kitano has achieved a lot now. If he is still thinking about Miss, would you agree?”

"I'm afraid that he is not thinking about An Ran, but wants to take revenge on our Yu family..."

Mrs. Yu has been in the business for a long time, and she is no longer the person who was easily influenced by emotions when she was young.

 She sees things more deeply than others. Even if Kitano saves the Yu family once, she will never feel at ease.

“An Ran must have known about Beiye’s appearance, but she didn’t tell us.” She could even hide it when asked last time.

If she hadn't gone out of her way to check, she wouldn't have known that Kitano had returned.

 “Go and tell the lady to go back to Yu’s house tonight.”


Assistant Sun nodded and was about to contact him when Mrs. Yu stopped him again.

“Wait a minute, please contact Bei Ye for me. I want to see him.”

Mrs. Yu thought it would be easy, but she never thought she would be rejected.

 Yes, Kitano refused her visit.

Madam Yu’s heart rang with alarm bells, “He really is resentful towards our Yu family!”

Mrs. Yu was once bitten by a snake and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. She believed in the wrong man at first, so she has maintained a skeptical attitude towards men's personal relationships throughout her life.

Now that Beiye refuses to see him, it shows that he still remembers the original hatred in his heart.

 “Keep in touch, I must meet him in person!”

It didn't take long. Assistant Sun contacted me three times and finally got a response from the other side.

When meeting Mrs. Yu, Kitano did not deliberately delay the meeting, but he did not go in advance either, but arrived at the right time.

When Mrs. Yu saw this man full of mature charm, she had to sigh that he was completely different from before.

This Kitano is as bold and uninhibited as his name.

 Kitano was not polite at all when he saw Mrs. Yu, nor did he act gentle and polite like a hypocrite.

He asked directly: "I heard that the chairman of the Yu Group sent someone to visit the thatched cottage. What's the matter?"

“I know that when the Yu Group was in trouble before, it was thanks to Mr. Bei’s help. Today’s invitation is to thank Mr. Bei for his generous help.”

 “What about two?”

Bei Ye also didn't play according to common sense and almost choked Mrs. Yu.

"But I want to know why you came back this time?"

“I don’t need to tell you the reason for my trip, right?”

Mrs. Yu has never suffered this kind of humiliation in front of her juniors.

She asked: "As a mother, I want to know if your return this time has something to do with my daughter?"

Bei Ye scoffed, "You are still as self-righteous as before."

“Then why do you want to help my Yu family?”

“Oh, your daughter came to beg me in person, I must show mercy no matter what.”

 “What do you mean, I can go and beg you safely?”

“Yes, not only begging me, but also asking for her own body…”

 (End of this chapter)

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