My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 851: You feed me down there

Chapter 851 You give it to me to eat

Yu Anran turned around to close the door, but her hand pressed on the door, preventing her from closing it.

“Why, you turned your back on me when you got out of bed?”

Yu Anran felt relieved when she heard Bei Ye's voice, even though it was so rough and rude.

Yu Anran moved his hand from the door and let Bei Ye push the door open.

However, Yu Anran stood at the door and did not move, as if he didn't want to let him in.

 “What are you here for?”

 “Come and see you.”

   …” I don’t know how to respond to your words.

The two of them seemed to be standing at the door competing to see who was more patient. They both had very nice auras, but Yu Anran's stomach was the first to surrender, growling.

Beiye smiled slowly, and Yu Anran wanted to find a hole to crawl into!

"I'm going to rest, please get out of the way." Yu Anran grabbed the door at that time, clearly instructing Kitano to step back and leave.

But Beiye was thick-skinned and acted as if he didn't know what she meant, and walked directly into Yu Anran's cozy nest.

“Mr. Bei, if you break into a house without permission, I can call the police.”

 “You call the police.” Kitano felt as comfortable as returning to his own home, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, he looked so cool!

Yu Anran really wants to kick this shameless person out! Look at your hands. If you have thin arms and legs, forget it.

Yu Anran exhaled, walked into the kitchen and started to feed himself. This was the fastest way.

Yu Anran cooked the noodles, and after adding seasonings, the aroma spread. She was very satisfied with her results, and ate them slowly after bringing them to the table.

Even though she was hungry, she still looked elegant when eating. She probably would never see Yu Anran devouring her food in her life.

She was eating her own noodles there, as if she had forgotten that there was a living person named "Bei Ye" sitting at home.

Beiye didn't eat at night. He smelled the fragrance and was quite tempted.

Bei Ye put down his crossed-legged posture and walked towards Yu Anran with his long legs, "Just one bowl?"

 “Hmm?” Yu Anran looked up at him, not understanding what he meant.

Beiye suddenly lowered his head and moved his fingers to her face.

Yu Anran subconsciously shrank back, but Beiye still put a hand on the corner of her mouth, as if wiping it, and then stood back.

Yu Anran became angry and said, "What are you doing!"

Bei Ye was surprised to see her strong reaction.

Yu Anran's eyes wandered around, as if she realized that her words revealed too many emotions. She took a deep breath, lowered her head and continued to eat noodles.

 But the hands holding the chopsticks betrayed her nervousness.

Bei Ye sat down at the dining table, like an old man going into a restaurant to eat, "I'm hungry."

“Turn left downstairs and there is a noodle shop 100 meters away.”

“I’ll probably starve to death by the time I get out.”

“…” Yu Anran really didn’t want to talk nonsense with him. Who could be better than Bei Ye?

But Bei Ye is a person who will not give up until he reaches his goal. He insists on pestering Yu Anran to feed him, "If I starve to death, will you go to the noodle restaurant 100 meters downstairs to collect my body?"

Yu Anran scolded him: "You speak without restraint."

Beiye smiled instead of getting angry, "You care about me?"

"Mr. Bei, I don't need to make a deal now." Without a deal, there was no reason for her to cook for Bei Ye.

“Oh, how about I make a deal with you, you let me fill my belly and I contribute my body?”

 “Pah!” Yu Anran suddenly pressed his chopsticks heavily on the table and clenched his fists in front of Bei Ye.

 “Beiye, are you here just to humiliate me?”

Mr. Bei can’t speak, please understand.



 (End of this chapter)

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