My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 853: Force her to take birth control pills

Chapter 853: Force her to take birth control pills

 When Yu Anran woke up, she found herself lying in his arms, as close as a close lover.

 But they are not, not even friends.

   Yu Anran wanted to get up from his arms, and Bei Ye also woke up.

 The two of them looked at each other.

Yu Anran got up from his arms with a calm expression and put on her clothes.

They didn't say a word after they got up. After Yu Anran washed up, Beiye followed her to do those things. The two of them got along like a couple.

Bei Ye deliberately didn't speak, and Yu Anran ignored him completely.

 She heard the sound of Beiye's stomach drumming, and remembered Beiye's words last night that he had not eaten at all.

 But she was determined, took out jam from the refrigerator, paired it with toast and milk, and had a simple breakfast.

There were extra things, but she didn't hand them to Kitano, nor did she say a word of greeting to him. She really regarded him as nothing.

 After a while, the doorbell rang at the door.

Yu Anran saw through the peephole that the man standing outside was Chu Sui.

She thought to herself: This is good, Chu Sui is probably here to pick someone up.

Yu Anran opened the door generously and saw Chu Sui holding a small bag in his hand and standing respectfully at the door.

"Good morning, Miss Yu." Chu Sui greeted her host first, then turned to look at Beiye.

This house is small, and the dining table is in the hall, so Chu Sui can see Beiye at a glance.

Beiye walked over and took the bag from Chu Sui's hand, and then closed the door with a bang.

Yu Anran stared at the pocket in his hand with an unpredictable expression.

 She guessed that it might be the breakfast that Chu Sui brought to Beiye.

But what Yu Anran couldn't figure out even more was why Beiye didn't follow Chu Sui and drove Chu Sui away?

  I saw Kitano put the bag in front of her and took out a pill from it.

Yu Anran looked at all this and had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment Kitano handed her the unopened pill and said, "Take it."

"What is this?" Yu Anran asked indifferently, already having nine guesses in his mind.

 Kitano told her honestly, "Contraceptive pills."

Yu Anran turned away his eyes and said, "I don't need it."

Beiye frowned, seeming dissatisfied with her retort.

 He said indifferently: "I don't want to leave unnecessary trouble."

Yu Anran's expression was three points colder than his, "Don't worry, I don't want to either."

“So, take it.” Kitano pushed the medicine forward again.

Yu Anran stared at the medicine closely, and from the corner of his eye, he could still see the serious expression on Bei Ye's face, without any hesitation.

 She squeezed her hands tightly, finally took the birth control pill, took out the water, and swallowed it in one gulp.

 “Are you satisfied now?” There was a hint of coldness in Yu Anran’s eyes.

Bei Ye saw that she had indeed taken the medicine and nodded.

Yu Anran sneered, pointed in the direction of the door and let him go, "Get out!"

Beiye gathered his clothes and didn't protest. He turned around and walked away simply.

When he was about to close the door, Yu Anran suddenly picked up the bag next to him and threw it at Beiye's feet. "Take your things with you."

Bei Ye silently picked up the things and closed the door for her.

The door was closed tightly, and Yu Anran seemed to have lost all her strength and ran into the toilet to vomit.

After a while, her eyes and face turned red. She raised her head and saw herself looking embarrassed in the mirror, and burst into tears from laughter.

Mr. Bei is not that hateful



 (End of this chapter)

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