My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 861: Little Bell bumps into An Ran Beiye’s JQ

Chapter 861 Little Bell bumps into An Ran Beiye’s JQ

Ye Youwei must have come to her for a reason, and there was no way Yu Anran would not agree.

It’s just that there is a man hiding in the bedroom, and she can’t let Ye Yiwei know about it.

 “What happened to you?”

“I have some disagreements with Ye Xichen.”

 “Did you have a quarrel?”

Ye Weiwei shook his head, "There was no quarrel. I wanted him to promise me something, but if I stayed with him, I would be deceived by him."

Yu Anran understands!

 There is no need to worry about this.

Yu Anran took Ye Weiwei to another bedroom, "You can live here."

"Wow, thank you An Ran." Ye Weiwei turned around and hugged her.

Yu Anran also patted her back while thinking of a solution.

 “Have you eaten?” Yu Anran asked her.

 Ye Weiwei shook his head.

 “I’ll go get it for you.”

"Hehe, Anron is the best, but let's go together." How can people who are here to mess around not do something?

However, Yu Anran's only reaction was unexpected.

After the two of them entered the kitchen, Yu Anran made an excuse to go back to his room and saw that Beiye was fully dressed.

 She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You should see the opportunity and leave, don't be discovered by Xiaoli!"

 The second half of the sentence is emphasized.

This made Kitano very unhappy, "Why, I can't see anyone?"

Yu Anran glanced at him with a cold look, "Don't forget our agreement."

 This matter started a week ago.

Yu Anran wanted to break off the relationship, but Beiye didn't want to. The two always got entangled, and Yu Anran gave in half.

Bei Ye pointed out her innermost feelings: Didn’t you also enjoy it?

Physical reactions cannot deceive anyone, so the two of them reached an unwritten agreement and never talked about love.

 They are all adults and can be responsible for their own actions. Since there are things for them to enjoy, why can't they do them?

 So there was lingering afterward.

 I just didn’t expect that Ye Weiyi would come by such a coincidence.

 Kitano was unhappy.

 But Yu Anran was not soft-hearted.

Yu Anran said, "Xiao Liao's mood is more important than you."

  Meaning, she can kick him out for Qiao Li.

 Because Qiao Lian is her friend and is aboveboard. As for Kitano, their relationship can only be buried underground.

 “You’re cruel!” Bei Ye was filled with panic.

Ye Weiwei in the kitchen poked his head out to ask where the ingredients were. Yu Anran quickly closed the door and walked over to cook with her.

"An Ran, if Ye Xichen comes to see me later, you must not rebel and open the door!"


 “No matter what he says, don’t speak for him!”


 “Baby Anran, you are the best, I love you.”

Beiye wanted to hit someone after hearing this!

 But Yu Anran smiled, "Xiao Lian is getting cuter and cuter."

There are not many people who can make Yu Anran smile, and there are almost no people who can make Yu Anran smile and speak in such a gentle tone.

 But the only thing that happened to be Ye was one of those small probabilities!

They don’t have to get along every day, but there is a friendship that is engraved in their hearts.

Beiye wanted to hit someone after seeing it!

The kitchen was filled with fragrance. Bei Ye did not listen to Yu Anran's words and left. Instead, he sat on her bed and felt her scent.

Beiye was unwilling to leave, and his eyes began to wander around Yu Anran's room.

Although it's not very moral, he still touches some of her things.

 Hongsleeve accidentally caught the guard of the drawer, and the drawer was brought out. When Kitano went to close the drawer, he found something amazing!

 His necklace?

   When girls fall in love, men have nothing to do~



 (End of this chapter)

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