My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 877: Kitano is acting like a hooligan and wants a kiss! !

Chapter 877 Beiye is a gangster and wants to kiss him!

Yi Xueyao quickly turned her head away, but she kept her eyes open.

Beiye naturally hugged Yu Anran's waist and said, "Let's go, let's take you to work."

When Yu Anran stood at the door, he didn't resist or speak. But when they walked out, Yu Anran took a few steps away from Bei Ye without leaving a trace, as if she couldn't stay with him.

 Her little actions naturally made Bei Ye unhappy.

 “Why, you want to keep this distance between you and your husband?”

Hearing Beiye's displeasure, Yu Anran replied not to be outdone, "What distance do you think I should keep from a husband who goes out with other women in the middle of the night?"

 After meeting Bei Ye, she talked a lot more.

Boys generally don’t like to be questioned by their women.

But when this matter was left to Bei Ye, the little unhappiness he felt just now disappeared in an instant.

Mr. Bei shamelessly took her back into his arms and kissed her on the face.

“Yu Anran, aren’t you jealous?”

"You think too much."

Yu Anran turned away his eyes, brushed his hand away and sat in the car.

 She was sitting in the driver's seat and seemed to really want to go to the company by herself.

 But at this time, Kitano used his speed to get into the passenger seat and waited for Yu Anran to drive.

Yu Anran exhaled heavily, started the car forward, and headed directly towards the gate of Yu Group.

Yushi Group Corporation and Anning Group are in two different directions, and they are not talking about each other.

Yu Anran saw Kitano sitting steadily next to him. At first, he deliberately didn't ask, but then he couldn't help but asked casually: "You don't plan to go to work?"

 “Combining work and rest, I have to take a vacation for myself after I get married. What is this called? Honeymoon period!”

Hearing that he started talking nonsense again, Yu Anran replied to him, "It's up to you."

No one witnessed their marriage, they only received a red book to tie their relationship together from a legal perspective.

 There was no wedding, no blessing, and she still doesn’t know whether she should tell her mother about it? Will he be liked by his mother?

Yu Anran really hasn’t thought through these issues.

As expected, Yu Anran parked his car in the dedicated parking lot of Yu Group, as if he was walking alone.

 But Bei Yezuo sat on it and did not move, nor did he follow her.

Yu Anran locked the door and took two steps, but couldn't help but fall back and knock on the glass window.

"What do you want to do?"

 “Waiting for you to get off work.”

“Bei Ye, are you kidding me?”

It's really funny. She was just going to work now, but Kitano said he would sit here and wait for her to get off work?

 Do you seem too bored and have nothing to do, or do you feel that you will not go to work because of his words?

 No matter which one, it is not the result that Yu Anran wants to see.

 “I’ll give you ten seconds, come down!”

 “You kiss me and I will listen to you.”

 “Humph…” This is definitely not a snort of an arrogant nature, but is similar to a cold snort without being sarcastic.

 “Then you stay.”

Yu Anran left directly.

No matter what Bei Ye wanted to do in the car, she didn't bother to argue with Bei Ye, because she knew that she couldn't compete with Bei Ye, let alone Bei Ye's exquisite thoughts!

Yu Anran was still a little late for work today.

People in the company greeted her when they saw her. After they went upstairs, the secretary told her, "The chairman has returned to the company."

The chairman of Yushi Group is Mrs. Yu.

 (End of this chapter)

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