My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 882: The woman who abandoned you five years ago

Chapter 882 The woman who abandoned you five years ago

Although Kitano rushed to the airport as soon as possible, he still missed Yu Anran's flight.

Turning off the phone on the plane and unable to contact him, Kitano could only sulk alone.

I always felt that Yu Anran was unwilling to open up to him and didn't know how to find a breakthrough.

Beiye was not in the mood to go to work. When he returned to the villa and saw Yi Xueyao greeting him like a host, Beiye felt irritable.

When he saw Yi Xueyao, he told her directly: "I asked Chu Sui to find a house for you near the central hospital, and also hired nursing professionals to take care of your daily life. You can move there tomorrow."

Yi Xueyao was stunned at first. When she came to her senses, she hurriedly said, "Brother Bei, I think it's good to live here. I don't need to go to such trouble to spend money to find a house."

 “You don’t need to worry about money.”

“It’s not money, but I think it’s very convenient here. I don’t need to do so many troublesome things.”

“When you came back, I temporarily asked you to stay for two days because you were ill. Now that you have plenty of time, of course you don’t need to stay here.”

"But I..." What Yi Xueyao actually wanted to say was, "But I want to stay here."

 But she didn't dare to pierce the paper in front of Bei Ye.

 But no matter what, Yi Xueyao doesn't want to move out now, otherwise she really has no chance.

Yi Xueyao put her hand on her forehead and excused herself to go back to the room to rest.

Beiye waved his hand, just reminded her to "call a doctor if you feel uncomfortable" and left.

At that moment, Yi Xueyao felt very unconvinced.

“Obviously I have been by your side these five years, but you are only thinking about the woman who abandoned you five years ago.”

Yi Xueyao held these words silently in her heart, and her dissatisfaction with Yu Anran became aggravated.

Human realm of Beiye can't get the delicateness of women's minds. He just does things based on feelings, but from the basis of feeling, he only wants to live with Yu Anran through the two worlds.

 So, Yi Xueyao cannot live here.

As for Yi Xueyao's illness, the room near the central hospital is very close to the hospital, so if there is any emergency, she can be treated in time.

Yi Xueyao seemed to be unable to find a suitable reason to refuse.

 But if left unchecked, she will get farther and farther away from Beiye, and Beiye and Yu Anran will get closer and closer.

 Just like the conversation she had with Kitano yesterday...

She saw Yu Anran walking over yesterday, and she deliberately said that Beiye wanted to hold Yu Anran to the top and crush her pride under her feet to avenge her original hatred.

 But later Kitano told her, "I have never hated her."

 It didn’t happen before, it doesn’t happen now, and it won’t happen in the future!

Knowing that Yu Anran did not return to the villa last night, Yi Xueyao secretly rejoiced: that woman is really stupid, she can be defeated easily with just one or two words, so it seems that she does not care much about Bei Ye.

 After all, only by not caring can you let go easily.

Yi Xueyao turned on her phone irritably and saw a message from the WeChat contact with the note "Xiang Zimu": Yaoyao, my affairs will be settled soon, and I can come back to you and Brother Bei then. .

Xiang Zimu is Yi Xueyao's childhood sweetheart. When Beiye left for a foreign country, not only Yi Xueyao but also Xiang Zimu was with him.

Yi Xueyao was able to stay with Beiye in the first place because of Xiang Zimu!

 Seeing this text message, Yi Xueyao felt a little relieved.

 (End of this chapter)

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