My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 890: Grandma passed away

Chapter 890 Grandma passed away

Grandma Leng passed away unfortunately.

The moment she heard the news, Leng Yanxi was completely confused. She didn't know how to react at all.

When she saw Grandma Leng's body, she straightened her knees and knelt on the ground on the spot. The loud "dong" sound was particularly loud. How much pain would it take to cover up the pain in her body.

Leng Yanxi touched Grandma Leng’s body, covered her mouth and shed tears, but did not cry at all.

 But even though she didn't cry, the people around her were also infected by her sad atmosphere and fell silent.

 It seems that at this moment, it is superfluous to persuade her.

 Sorrow is so heavy that one can cry silently.

The doctor said that it was Grandma Leng who was unwilling to cooperate with the treatment and cut off the oxygen supply.

"Grandma, how can you be so cruel..." He didn't even see her for the last time.

Leng Yanxi then remembered that when she was changing wards to her grandma this afternoon, her grandma had been talking to her.

At that time, grandma seemed to have a much clearer consciousness. It turned out to be a flashback.

 I still remember her grandma telling her that she should work hard, find a suitable boyfriend, get married and have children.

Grandma actually didn’t say much to her, it was all about her future life.

Thinking back to the past two years, it was true that she had never had a boyfriend, but when those people knew that she was a bedridden grandmother who needed a lot of expenses, they left one after another. Grandma told her to work hard for happiness.

At that time, Leng Yanxi was very preoccupied, and she only knew how to echo Grandma Leng’s words and try her best to make Grandma Leng happy.

 But now that I think about it, I realize that Grandma Leng said a lot at the time that she could live without Grandma herself in the future.

 Perhaps from that moment on, grandma made a decision in her heart.

 A decision that no longer weighs on her.

But in fact, the filial Leng Yanxi never felt that her grandma's illness would ever be a drag on her, because her grandma had been protecting her since she was a child and selflessly dedicating everything to her.

Now that she has grown up, her grandma still cares about her wholeheartedly, even ending her own life in this way in order to lighten her burden and give her freedom...

Leng Yanxi did not ask for leave from the company, but directly submitted her resignation letter.

 She was busy dealing with the affairs after Grandma Leng’s death.

 She basically doesn’t have the time or money to go out and play, so she basically doesn’t have any friends. Even the relatives she has a slight relationship with live far away, and they are basically out of touch. .

Leng Yanxi dealt with Grandma Leng’s death alone.

Unexpectedly, the person who actually came to pay homage to grandma was the person she felt most sorry for.

Ye Weiwei kowtowed several times in front of Grandma Leng’s coffin to show her respect.

Leng Yanxi was at a loss when she saw her, because she didn't know how to face Ye Weiyi now.

 “The matter about your grandma... She has passed away, so you should try not to feel bad about her.”

Leng Yanxi knelt down in front of Ye Weiwei again, began to repent of her behavior, and asked for forgiveness in front of Grandma Leng.

 Ye Weiwei sighed deeply and did not express his position directly.

 After Leng Yanxi went out, Ye Weiyi said, "I already knew that you had an ulterior motive in coming to the company, and I have been waiting for you to make the right decision, but I didn't expect you to be so disappointing."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for you, but I have to do this. I want my grandma to live and live a good life."

“But the fact is that Mo Ruoshuang did not fulfill her promise to you and even killed your grandma. Don’t you want her to pay the price?”

 (End of this chapter)

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