My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 906: Making divorce

Chapter 906: Divorce

On the first day of class, Xia Xiyun originally said to accompany her, but in the end she went by herself.

The people who come to class are of different ages. Ye Weiwei is particularly young. When he walks in, he looks like a young college student.

 Originally, at the age of 23, many people were still in college, and her engagement ring was not suitable to bring to class, so no one knew that she was married, and they all treated her as their little sister.

This training institution recruits a group of students every quarter, and it is not a place where you can pay money to enter. If you want to come, you must get a letter of recommendation from a serious music company or someone who is famous in the music field.

Ye Ziwei was lucky enough to get a recommendation from the company and come to this place.

The courses here are assessed and can usually be completed in three months. However, if someone cannot complete the course, they have to pay to restudy with the next batch of students and accept the assessment.

 So, there are still some “senior” people here.

Because of her outstanding appearance, Ye Weiwei has attracted much attention from the first class she entered the classroom. Even the teacher who taught the class called her by name twice.

Ye Weiyi covered his face, he would have painted himself ugly if he had known it. What does it mean to be called out many times because he is good-looking?

  Simply sad.

Ye Weiwei complained about this to Ye Xichen, and Ye Xichen's reaction was, "How many men are there?"

 Yeweiyi: “…”

There is absolutely nothing we can do to talk today!

“Brother Chen, I asked you to look after An Ran for me before. How are they doing now?”

 “Didn’t you say you don’t care?”

Ye Weiyi reasoned with him, "I promised not to interfere at will, but I didn't say I wouldn't care about them from now on!"

"You always have a point." Ye Xichen's helplessness and connivance can be clearly heard from these words.

Ye Weiyi followed up and asked, "So how did things develop?"

"not too good."

 It is difficult to describe the current situation of Kitano and Yu Anran, a couple who are extremely entangled in dating.


 That day, Kitano learned something from Ye Weiyi and felt heavy in his heart.

 He felt that Yu Anran wanted to say something to him, and wanted to avoid it, but also wanted to ask clearly.

Beiye's temper could not be tolerated for a while, so he went to have a showdown with Yu Anran not long after.

 He did not betray Ye Weiwei, but inquired tactfully and made insinuations.

 Kitano brought back a new violin. He said to Yu Anran: "Well, a friend opened his piano studio today and asked me to take care of the business. I remember that you liked violins at the beginning, so this is for you."

"Violin." Yu Anran reached out and touched the strings, her eyes seemed to be filled with nostalgia, but after a while, she pushed it away as if she was electrocuted, "I don't like it anymore."

 Looking at this reaction, it turned out that there was something wrong with what Ruye said.

Bei Ye then asked: "Why don't you like it?"

Unexpectedly, Yu Anran asked back: "Do you need a reason if you don't like it?"

“You didn’t give me a reason. I thought you were rejecting me on purpose.”

 “Then just think of it as my refusal on purpose.”

“Yu Anran, are you deliberately irritating me?”

"I don't."

“I really don’t understand more and more, what are you thinking about. You want money, you want me to help the Yu family, I can satisfy you with all these, but you are still not satisfied.”

"You are right, I am a greedy woman. No matter how much you do, your desires can never be satisfied. If you want an obedient woman, I'm sorry, but I am not."

 (End of this chapter)

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