My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 909: Yi Xueyao also has a sister named Yu

Chapter 909 Yi Xueyao also has a sister named Yu

“Brother Bei, Yaoyao’s situation is very bad.”

“Brother Bei, Yaoyao’s biological mother has been contacted.”

A series of things related to Yi Xueyao happened one after another. Beiye turned around and glanced at Yi Xueyao.

Yi Xueyao was lying on the hospital bed, looking like she had lost her vitality, "Brother Bei, am I going to die?"

 Her voice was weak when she spoke, and her fragile life seemed to be exhausted at any time.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your mother has been found and taken for examination. If appropriate, the doctor will arrange surgery for you immediately."

"What if it's not suitable...I don't want to die yet, I still want to live well and be by your side."

“Don’t say that I have or don’t have these, I will never forget what should be repaid to you.”

Beiye has never been the kind of ungrateful person. Yi Xueyao did suffer for him in the beginning, so after his success, he has been supporting Yi Xueyao financially. If her disease is cured, it will be completely repaid. .

 “Your life is not in danger now, just have a good rest.”

Bei Ye barely said a few words and was about to stand up and leave, but Yi Xueyao called out to him with attachment, "Brother Bei, can you stay with me? I'm very scared."

Whenever I feel aggrieved, tears will flow non-stop.

“I feel like I’m going to die. I’m really scared. If you’re with me, I’ll feel at ease even if I die now.”

"Don't talk nonsense! I'm going to deal with other things. You'll be fine." Beiye persuaded him with a stiff tone, but still did not stay as Yi Xueyao asked.

 In the end, Xiang Zimu was left there to comfort Yi Xueyao.

Yi Xueyao leaned weakly by the bed and remained silent.

 She doesn’t want to die at all. She hasn’t really confessed to the person she likes yet. If she dies, she will leave many regrets.

"Zi Mu, help me, help me no matter what, I want to live, I don't want to die." Yi Xueyao said while shaking her head, and finally she lost her physical strength and fainted again.

 Seeing that pale and lifeless face, he secretly swore to Zimu, "I will never let anything happen to you!"

Whenever there is a chance, he will find it for Yi Xueyao.

They found Yi Xueyao’s biological mother and started matching her on the same day, but the result was not good and they failed.

Yi Xueyao couldn't match her biological mother, and her chances of saving her life were greatly reduced.

Xiang Zimu wandered around the room unwilling to give up. Yi Xueyao's mother had been sitting there, not knowing what she was thinking.

“What should we do now? Is our Yaoyao’s body hopeless?”

"No, there must be a way. Auntie, do you have any other blood-related relatives? Or do you have any other children?"

Mama Yi shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, I don't have any other children."

  Wandering back and forth towards Zimu made Yi’s mother feel very uneasy.

 Finally, she said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I know that Yaoyao's father also has a daughter, but I'm afraid she won't..."

Xiang Zimu's attention was immediately attracted, "Uncle Yi also has a daughter. Who is she? Where is she?"

Mama Yi said: "Her family is also in S city, but she is different from us. Even if she is suitable, I'm afraid she won't be able to make it."

 “Who is it?!” Xiang Zimu was anxious to know the identity of that person.

Mama Yi was very hesitant.

Xiang Zimu asked anxiously: "Auntie, tell me quickly, no matter who it is, we will find a way to get her to come. This is about Yaoyao's life."

“He is a big family in S city, his surname is Yu.”

 (End of this chapter)

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