My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 914: You are not allowed to touch Yu Anran!

Chapter 914 You are not allowed to touch Yu Anran!

Beiye's mind is not on Yi Xueyao right now, and he has no time to listen to Xiang Zimu's words.

Xiang Zimu knew that there was no way to calm down and talk, so he told the truth on the spot, "That person is Miss Yu Jia, Yu Anran."

 After saying those words to Zi Mu, the atmosphere in the air seemed to condense.

 “This joke is not funny.”

“Brother Bei, I won’t make fun of Yaoyao’s life.”

 Xiang Zimu’s serious expression was definitely not fake.

 “Go on.”

“Yao Yao’s father who died young was also Yu Anran’s biological father…”

 In the following time, Xiang Zimu conveyed to Kitano everything he had heard from Yi’s mother before.

Bei Ye’s heart could not be calm for a long time.

Xiang Zimu held his arm and said, "Brother Bei, Yaoyao's life is at stake. You can't hesitate on this matter. You and Yu Anran have some friendship. Brother Bei, go and persuade her to come to the hospital for examination. If their kidneys If you adapt, then Yaoyao will be saved.”

 Xiang Zimu still has great expectations for this matter.

 But who would have thought that what he heard from Kitano was the word "no".

 “No! I don’t agree.”

Bei Ye’s unhesitating denial look coincided with the look on Yu Anran’s face when he said he wouldn’t save her.

 Xiang Zimu couldn't understand.

“Brother Bei, do you know what you are talking about? Are you unwilling to save Yaoyao? Or are you unable to shame yourself and go find your ex-girlfriend?”

"Xiang Zimu! You have no right to talk to me like this."

"Yes, I am not qualified, but what about Yaoyao? Yaoyao was injured for you, and her body was tortured like this for you, but you refused to take action when her life was in danger?" Xiang Zimu said in a tone of voice Getting more and more excited.

Kitano suddenly grabbed his collar, and with his height advantage, he directly lifted Xiang Zimu up, "Don't you f*ck keep pressuring me with things that happened at the beginning, I know what to do, but you are absolutely not allowed to make your mind up." On Yu Anran’s body!”

Xiang Zimu was startled by Kitano's sudden outburst of emotion.

 Only then did Xiang Zimu realize that Beiye's unwillingness to go seemed not because he didn't want to face Yu Anran, but to protect Yu Anran?

Yu Anran's one kidney is more important than Yi Xueyao's entire life?

“Beiye, what do you mean? Even if Yu Anran’s kidneys are compatible with Yaoyao’s, you won’t let her save her?”

 “Yes, you understood it correctly.”

“Are you crazy! Yu Anran is a healthy and living person. He will not die even if a kidney is transplanted, but Yaoyao will! Bei Ye, you have to figure out which one is more important!”

 “I, Kitano, don’t need you to teach me what I want to do.”

 The fist that Xiang Zimu clenched finally swung out towards Kitano at this moment.

 Kitano quickly caught the powerful fist.

 Xiang Zimu continued to exert force, but it couldn't match Bei Ye's strength.

Xiang Zimu asked him unconvincedly: "Bei Ye, are you going to kill your benefactor for a heartless woman?"

“Shut your mouth, if it weren’t for the love we have had over the past five years, you wouldn’t have even thought about walking out today!”

Beiye finally spoke to Xiang Zimu, and every word was to protect Yu Anran.

At that moment, Xiang Zimu felt that Beiye was really crazy and had been poisoned by Yu Anran.

Beiye told him clearly, "I will continue to search for Yaoyao's kidney source and don't bother Yu Anran again."


 Xiang Zimu did not agree.

 Five years of brotherhood almost led to a quarrel over the two women's positions.

 But while they were looking for their next target, the doctor had already issued the final notice.

 Hal, Mr. Bei is a madman who protects his wife.



 (End of this chapter)

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