My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 921: One is separated and the other is wide, each is happy

Chapter 921: One is different and the other is wide, everyone is happy

"Of course, you're awake!" Bei Ye's words were filled with joy, and he subconsciously ignored Yu Anran's words to let him go.

If Yu Anran's body didn't need it now, he would really hug her directly into the bad room, kiss her and comfort her.

But Yu Anran looked at him with calm eyes and repeated those three words, "Let's go."

The three sounds that came out of the throat with difficulty were so soft that it made people feel extremely uncomfortable when they heard them.

"Of course, don't say those stupid things, I will never leave you from now on."

Yu Anran didn't want to argue with him, so she closed her eyes directly.

 An operation drained her energy, and now she has no energy at all.

No matter what Bei Ye said after that, Yu Anran did not open his eyes.

Only the small, uneven tone of voice betrayed the fact that he was still awake.

Beiye didn't bother her, he just stayed by her side quietly.

But Beiye didn't leave, as if Yu Anran refused to wake up.

Beiye had no choice but to tell her, "Qiao Ling is very worried about you. She is next door now."

As soon as these words came out, Yu Anran opened his eyes again.

Beiye was worried about Yu Anran's physical condition and was unwilling to tell him. For the sake of Yu Anran, Kitano was willing to step back and invite Ye Weiwei.

“An Ran, thank God you finally woke up!”

 After Ye Weiwei came in, the atmosphere improved a lot.

 She very cleverly tried to communicate with Yu Anran, and never mentioned the kidney matter from beginning to end.

 But when Yu Anran quietly listened to all the beautiful things she compiled, she could feel the pain all over her body even if she moved a little.

“One of my kidneys was removed, right?”

No one thought that Yu Anran himself would realize the truth of the matter. Ye Weiwei opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Ye Weiwei turned his back to Yu Anran and covered his mouth with his hands, but he held back the pain in his heart and shed tears.

too bitter.

 This friend of hers has had a hard time growing up.

Ye Weiwei couldn't hide his sadness and quickly wiped his eyes and turned to look at her.

Crying about your misery all the time is not something worth doing.

Ye Weiyi could only try an alternative method of comfort, "Don't be afraid, a kidney will not affect your life. As long as it is well protected, you are the same as everyone else."

“And those villains who dare to plot against you, I will never tolerate them doing whatever they want!”

"An Ran, I will protect you from now on, and I will never let those people bully you!"

Ye Weiwei persuaded Yu Anran for a long time and talked to her many, many words.

 In the end, Yu Anran could only reply to her feebly: "Thank you...for believing in you."

Yu Anran thought about Ye Weiwei once telling her that good friends don't need to say thank you, so she changed her words in time.

But none of this matters anymore.

When he saw Ye Weiwei communicating with Yu Anran, Beiye didn't believe that he, a grown man, could actually be jealous of a woman.

 But when he saw Yu Anran's reassuring look after seeing Ye Weiwei, he felt very jealous. Why wasn't that person him?

 But unfortunately, Ye is the only one who protects Yu Anran.

 Yu Anran lowered her head and said a few words in Ye Weiyi's ear. Ye Weiyi looked at her for a long time, and finally sat for a while.

 “Beiye, let’s go.”

“An Ran told me that you are divorced.”

An Ran also said: "From now on, one will be separated and the other will be generous, and everyone will be happy."

 (End of this chapter)

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