My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 927: Both mother and daughter like to be mistresses

Chapter 927 Both mother and daughter like to be mistresses

 “Aren’t you angry when they treat you like this?”

"Angry..." She didn't even know what anger was, probably because she had been feeling uneasy, depressed and distressed since Kitano appeared. These feelings had already overtaken anger.

 She lost her anger.

 Ke Yu Anran can bear it, but the irritable pregnant woman cannot.

Ye Weiwei told her directly, "In two days, I have to go to G city to study and catch up on my leave, so in these two days, I have to do what I need to do and solve all the troubles that need to be solved."

Yu Anran did not understand the deep meaning of this sentence at first, but instead asked with concern, "Can I help you?"

Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes, raised a smile on his lips, and told her four words calmly: "I'll help you get revenge!"

 Revenge is the most pleasurable thing in private.

Ye Weiwei caught Yi Xueyao and locked her in a place where Xiang Zimu and Mama Yi could not find her.

Zimu and Yi Mama asked Beiye for help, but Beiye still stayed unswervingly at the hospital where Yu Anran was staying, and never said a word about Yi Xueyao's disappearance.

Although Ye Weiwei conveyed the intention of a complete separation to others on behalf of Yu Anran, she did not forget to "care" about Bei Ye.

 So Ye Weiwei had a general understanding of Kitano’s every move, word and deed in the hospital.

 Including asking Zi Mu and Yi Mama to help find someone.

After learning that Kitano refused without hesitation, Ye Weiwei felt a little better, probably because he was happy for his friend.

“It seems that Kitano has a good attitude towards admitting his mistakes.”

"Yes, yes, Mr. Bei was actually kept in the dark. He was still very protective of Miss An Ran." Secretary Zhao echoed from the side and gave Ye Weiwei a glass of... warm milk.

Secretary Zhao, who recently took two days off, came to "serve" Ye Weiwei, hoping to coax the boss's wife before the boss would let him resume his position as a full-time secretary.

Ye Weiwei habitually took the milk, drank half the glass and handed it back. Secretary Zhao was helping beside him, and he was extremely diligent.

Ye Weiyi chuckled, "Secretary Zhao, you don't need to be careful. I'll tell Brother Chen to let you go back in two days. You don't need to blame yourself for what happened before. I'm not doing well. Nothing happened." occur."

 “It’s a good thing that nothing happened, otherwise I wouldn’t just have lost my job!”

 Speaking of which, Secretary Zhao is still quite aggrieved.

 But now I can only be glad that Ye Weiwei was fine, otherwise he would have been cold!

 “Stop being so sad, I’m in a good mood now, let’s go see the woman we brought back.”

“Young madam, if you don’t just tell me what punishment you want her to receive, then don’t go see her in person. Otherwise, you’ll be angry again. Then Chen can always let me go...”

  "Okay, brother Chen didn't blame you, he blamed me for being disobedient."

Secretary Zhao feels aggrieved: I know he is blaming you for being disobedient, but you still have to do it yourself!

 But Secretary Zhao didn’t dare to say it because the boss would not settle the score with his wife and would only deduct his salary.

The aggrieved Secretary Zhao had to accompany Ye Weiwei to find someone.

Yi Xueyao was locked in a small room, just an empty little house with nothing else.

 “There’s someone coming, but there’s no one, let me out!”

 She knocked on the door and shouted, her voice was almost hoarse, but no one answered her.

She thought she heard Yi Xueyao's voice when she walked to the door, so she fell back and sat there again.

“Secretary Zhao, please invite Yi Xueyao’s mother over.”

 “Don’t you all like to be a mistress?”

Little Lingdang is also very good at attacking people. An Ran, who doesn’t help much, can fight against the mistress. Just thinking about it makes me excited.



 (End of this chapter)

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