My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 930: Man and daughter, choose one

Chapter 930 Man and daughter, choose one

Ye Ziwei refused to let Yi Xueyao and her daughter leave. They could only wait for the unknown punishment to come.

 A man walked in from the door. When Mama Yi saw the man, her eyes widened!

"you you…"

Seeing the man approaching step by step, Yi’s mother could only step back.

 The man walked up to Mama Yi's feet and slapped her with a "snap" sound.

 “Li Ru, I really misjudged you!”

 Yi’s mother’s real name is Li Ru, and the man in front of her is her current husband.

Mama Yi stood up and grabbed the man's arm, constantly trying to make up excuses to explain, "Husband, that's not the case. Please listen to my explanation."

The man waved her hand away without hesitation, and without controlling his strength, he pushed Mama Yi to the ground.

When Mama Yi saw him, she felt guilty and knew it was over...

The reason why Yi Xueyao grew up in City S since she was a child is because after her father passed away, Yi’s mother quickly remarried someone else.

When Yi’s mother got married, she didn’t tell her that she had a daughter, so she kept Yi Xueyao in S city and gave her money on time.

Yi Xueyao is not the kind of little girl who likes to show off her temper. She knows how to make her life better, so she does not blame Mama Yi for leaving her alone. After all, Mama Yi can help her, which is better than The mother and daughter lived a comfortable life together, with neither good clothes nor good food.

Including when she was in the hospital a few days ago, Yi's mother asked Yi Xueyao to follow her. She didn't want to take Yi Xueyao back to her current family, but just wanted her to leave S city.

 In general, Yi’s mother has been hiding the secret from her current husband, but now that the truth is exposed, she is slapped in the face.

Mama Yi still refused to give up and hugged the man's feet and begged for forgiveness, "Husband, I didn't mean to lie to you. I was just afraid that you would be unhappy, so I never told you about Yaoyao."

“No wonder I asked you why you spend so much money every month. It turned out that you used the money I worked so hard to earn to support an outsider! You are still lying now, don’t you think I will beat you to death!”

Yi’s mother’s current husband is very good-looking. Now that he knows that he has been kept in the dark for so many years, he is even more angry!

 Yi’s mother was beaten twice. Yi Xueyao turned over to protect her, “Don’t hit my mother!”

Originally, this was a sign of filial piety, but as soon as the man saw Yi Xueyao, he remembered the shame of being deceived, and became extremely disgusted with Yi Xueyao.

Mama Yi kept begging the man for forgiveness. The man pointed at her and gave her one last chance, "You said, do you want your daughter or come back with me? Let's end it here today!"

 Yi’s mother froze at that time and was speechless.

 What is she going to do?

 Her daughter is a piece of flesh that has fallen off her body, and she must be reluctant to part with it.

But after being with this man for many years, he has never treated her badly in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation. She no longer expects a wealthy life, but only wants to live a plain life. The current life is what she is willing to accept.

 But now she is asked to make a choice?

 No matter who she chooses, it will make her miserable.

“Husband, please forgive me, don’t we have children yet? If you accept Yaoyao, then she will be your daughter and she will be filial to you in the future.”

 Yi’s mother also said something like this.

Ye Weiwei, who was watching the theater next to him, laughed out loud and said, "Ms. Li Ru, why are you so greedy? Since you can't choose, let me help you."

Of course we can’t just take advantage of the mistress and her daughter.



 (End of this chapter)

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