Chapter 943 Mental Disorder

 “What’s going on? Isn’t the evidence conclusive?”

"Li Ru has a mental problem..." Yi's mother has a mental problem, and this kind of patient is likely to escape responsibility.

 “Are you going insane at this time? How can there be such a coincidence? Check it out for me and find an expert to make a good diagnosis.”

“Young lady, don’t get excited, I’ll check it out right now and get back to you soon.”

Ye Weiyi was a little uneasy even in class because of this incident. After class, he wanted to ask Leng Yanxi about the progress of the matter, but the result was the same as before, "After diagnosis, Li Ru has a mental problem."

Ye Weiwei conveyed the result of this matter to Yu Anran, and Yu Anran, who had gone through the legal process, immediately told her, "Even if you are mentally insane, if you were a normal person during the crime, you can still apply for re-identification and bear responsibility."

"Xiao Li, you don't have to worry about this matter. It's over now, leave it to me."

This was the first time that Yu Anran took the initiative to pursue the responsibility, and Ye Weiwei agreed without hesitation.

Sure enough, Yu Anran still recognized the formal procedures for punishing criminals.

With Yu Anran in charge of legal matters, Ye Weiwei still asked Leng Yanxi to stay in S city to follow up on the situation, because Yu Anran herself was not in S city yet. She had recently traveled to relax, and her mood was much more relaxed.

Yu Anran is very grateful to "Ye Weiwei" for finding this tourist place for her. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with fresh air and elegant environment. It is indeed a good place for self-cultivation.

 She stayed here for a few days, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and could really feel a kind of peace from the bottom of her heart, which was very enjoyable.

 She did not live in any luxurious place, but chose a B&B.

 The people here are simple and honest, and they treat guests well.

Just when Yu Anran was going downstairs to look for food, the shopkeeper called her and handed her a teacup, "Miss Yu, this is the scented tea I brewed today, for you to try."

  The shop owner has studied the tea ceremony, and inviting guests to taste tea is also a major hobby of the shop owner.

 Because the shop owner’s craftsmanship is good, he is often praised by customers, and the shop owner will also be happy for this.

Yu Anran took a sip of tea and praised it without hesitation, "It's very good."

 The fragrance of tea is refreshing, which is a blessing for the taste buds.

 After thanking the shopkeeper for the tea, Yu Anran went out to look for today's lunch.

The food here is different from the place where he grew up, and it is also different from the rich and gorgeous decorations in big cities, so Yu Anran is particularly interested in these novel things. He goes out for a walk every day, looking for what he is interested in today while walking. Food, taste one by one.

This place is not big, and it is not a tourist attraction. An unforgettable beauty like Yu Anran goes to the food street every day, and many people are familiar with her.

 When I pass by, enthusiastic bosses greet me, "Miss Yu, what else would you like to eat today?"

Yu Anran would politely turn to face the person and nod, but she would not walk in just because someone said a few more words. Instead, she insisted on looking for what she wanted today, maybe a feeling.

She walked relatively slowly, searching and stopping all the way, and finally...

found it!

 This is a very ordinary farm shop. The vegetables are all grown by oneself, and the fried food tastes like home.

Yu Anran is not picky about food, she likes this light feeling.

 It’s just that after a long period of ordinary life, seasonings will appear...

 “Yo, where did this beauty come from?”

   Do you think Kitano should be tortured? Or should An Ran just forgive him?



 (End of this chapter)

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