My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 945: roof shelter from rain

Chapter 945: A roof to hide from the rain

 Is it raining?

Yu Anran looked up and saw that the sky was gradually filled with dark clouds. She didn't care at first, but suddenly thought of something and started running forward.

 “Of course, you can’t sprint!”

Seeing Yu Anran's sudden increase in speed, Bei Ye's little thoughts instantly turned into worry.

Beiye's speed was of course much faster than Yu Anran's, and he quickly caught up with her, but he just held her hand forcefully, causing Yu Anran to frown dissatisfied.

Beiye stopped her, "It should rain for a while, and it's still time to walk back. Even if it rains, I will stay with you."

Bei Ye thought she was afraid of the rain and wanted to run back to hide from the rain.

 But Yu Anran brushed his hand away calmly, "You don't know anything."

 A simple sentence separates the relationship between two people.

Kitano really doesn't dare to think of being as tough on Yu Anran as he did before, because in his heart, he feels that Yu Anran is no longer water that cannot be broken up no matter what, but fragile glass that needs to be held in the palm of his hand. Protect.

“Of course, if I don’t know something, you can tell me, and I’m willing to listen.”

"Nothing to do with you."

Yu Anran turned around and continued walking forward, but he didn't run like before.

Beiye followed silently, and until he watched Yu Anran return to the B&B where he lived, he still stood outside and did not leave.

 Just saw Yu Anran come out again after a while.

Bei Ye thought she was coming out to look for him, but he saw Yu Anran holding a flower basket in his hand and seemed to be going to do something.

"what you up to?"

 “Cut flowers.”

Beiye asked her, but she didn't give any details.

Beiye followed and walked around the B&B to see a small square field behind it.

Bei Ye saw with his own eyes Yu Anran, who was carrying a flower basket, walked up to the owner of the B&B, exchanged a few words quickly, and the two began to pick and cut flowers.

“Miss Yu, thank you so much for coming to help me.”

“It’s nothing. After drinking scented tea, you have to pay something, right?”

When I was drinking flower tea just now, I heard the boss say that he would collect some flowers this afternoon. I didn't expect it to rain so soon.

She just heard Kitano say that it was going to rain, and then she suddenly remembered what the shopkeeper had mentioned casually, and wanted to rush back to help. Fortunately, she made it in time.

The shopkeeper talked a lot, so Yu Anran said something. Beiye walked over and snatched her flower basket, "Of course, you go back, I'll do it."

The shop owner was very wary of this man who suddenly appeared to grab something, but when he saw his face, he felt familiar.

“You seem to have been hanging around outside our store for a few days.”

Kitano was exposed by the shopkeeper’s words: “…”

“Boss, if you don’t pick the flowers, it will rain heavily.”

With Kitano’s “kindhearted” reminder, Xihua’s boss quickly lowered his head to collect the things.

Beiye snatched Yu Anran's flower basket, but Yu Anran took it out of his hand and said, "I'll do it myself."

"Of course! I can do this kind of thing. Just obey me and go back."

Bei Ye wholeheartedly protected Yu Anran and did not want her to be harmed in the slightest. The masculine protective desire in his heart came out, but he still touched Yu Anran's painful foot.

Yu Anran held the flower basket tightly, raised her eyes to look at him, and said in an indifferent tone: "Beiye, you will always be like this, regardless of other people's wishes."

 “I am doing it for your own good.”

 “But I don’t need it.”

 “Hua Hua La La…”

  While the two were arguing, heavy rain fell from the sky and directly drenched the people's bodies.

 (End of this chapter)

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