My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 947: Honeymoon

Chapter 947 Honeymoon

 “No.” Yu Anran denied.

"How could it not be the case? Are you having trouble? That kid hangs around in front of my store every day. I don't think he looks like a bad guy. Plus the scene in the shower just now, you can't deny it even if you want to." The shop owner said The words were spoken with a smile on his face.

At that moment, Yu Anran knew that no matter how he explained, it would be impossible to distance himself from his relationship with Kitano.

Seeing Yu Anran's silence, the shop owner took her as her acquiescence.

The shop owner liked this young girl very much, and immediately chatted with her casually: "It is normal for young people to be noisy. What matters for two people to be together is fate and courage. I have never There is courage in that boy's eyes. Even if there is a little bit of fate, his initiative can make up for what is missing between you. "

 “What you said makes sense.”

 “But, we are not suitable.”

“There is nothing inappropriate or inappropriate about how to get along with other people. In the end, it all depends on your own heart.”

Yu Anran heard clearly what the shopkeeper said, but did not react.

The shop owner was sitting there selecting the flowers he had just picked, "These flowers also need a flower protector."

 “...” Yu Anran walked away silently.

I went back to the room and contacted the secretary to ask about the company's situation. After the secretary gave a complete report on the business, he said something private, "Mr. Yu, you have been out for too long this time. The chairman never mentioned that there is a cooperation project recently. We haven't reached an agreement, so the board of directors is trying to put pressure on the chairman, but I think the chairman is very tired. Of course, I know you have suffered too, but I still have to tell you about the situation here to see if anything can be solved. Method."

 This secretary was brought out by her personally. She is very loyal, but not foolishly loyal.

 She knows what to say and what not to say.

Yu Anran understood.

"Don't worry, I will rush back as soon as possible."

Yu Anran has long known that living in such a family, she is destined to lose her freedom.

She is the daughter of the Yu family, so it is impossible for her mother to take care of everything. Moreover, she is unwilling to marry. The Yu family has no support, so it will be so hard when they are targeted and attacked by their peers.

 She did not handle all of this well.

Yu Anran didn't stay here any longer. After she hung up the phone, she started packing her things in the room.

 When she went down to check in the room, the shopkeeper saw her first.

Seeing the pile of things in her hand, the shopkeeper asked: "Miss Yu, what is this?"

 “I’m leaving, thank you for the hospitality these days.”

 “You are a guest, so you should.”

After settling the deposit, the shopkeeper asked her before she left: "But has Miss Yu reconciled with her boyfriend?"

Yu Anran picked up his suitcase and stood there for a moment, shaking his head, "No, he is not my boyfriend, I just want to go home."

“If he comes again next time, please tell her.”


 She left and said goodbye to this peaceful and peaceful place.

As soon as Yu Anran left the B&B with her suitcase, Kitano came in.

The shop owner looked up and saw him, "Hey, young man, your... friend just left. She told you when she saw you that she was going home."

"I know."

 “You’re not going to chase me?”

 “Let her go.”

 “It’s so easy to give up.”

“That’s impossible, the boss will prepare scented tea for us to spend our honeymoon!”

 (End of this chapter)

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