My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 960: the most beautiful bride

Chapter 960 The most beautiful bride

Avoiding Yu Anran's gaze, she quickly typed out a message and sent it to Bei Ye.

  Put away the phone, she doesn’t admit that she is a “love spy”.

 “An Ran, it’s time to part ways, goodbye.”

 “Okay, go home and be safe.”

 After saying goodbye, everyone went back to their homes. When Ye Weiwei returned to the villa, he saw Mrs. Ye sitting in the hall.

Madam Ye glanced at her empty white wrists, and her first words were, "Where's the jade bracelet?"

 Ye Weiwei took out the small box from his satchel and said, "It's in the box."

"come over."

I don’t know when Mrs. Ye also learned from Yu Anran that she cares about words as much as gold. She seems to be unwilling to talk to her more. She just shouts what she wants to do, but her tone is still gentle.

Ye Weiwei thought that Mrs. Ye was so nice to her because she was afraid of scaring her grandson.

 But she still walked over with the box.

Unexpectedly, Madam Ye would suddenly take the box away from her hands, open the box and take out the jade bracelet, then quickly take one of her hands and put the jade bracelet on her wrist.

Ye Weiwei was surprised by Madam Ye's series of actions and didn't know how to speak.

After Mrs. Ye let go of her wrist, Ye Weiyi said politely: "Thank you."

"Okay, I'm not doing this for you. As long as you take good care of the birth of your grandson, I guarantee that you will have a very comfortable life in Yejia."


  Ye Weiwei thought that she could still live comfortably even if she was not pregnant.

However, Madam Ye had already taken the initiative to speak, so she had no reason to refute her elders. She nodded with a smile on her face, which was regarded as complying with Madam Ye's words.

The housekeeper was very pleased to see the old and the young living together peacefully.

  It turns out that Ye Ziwei has lived in Yejia Villa for so many years, and it is impossible to say that he has no feelings.

When the housekeeper knew that Ye Xichen and Ye Youwei were in a relationship, he hoped that Ye Youyi could eventually return to Ye's house. Now that his wish has come true, it is naturally a good thing.

When Ye Xichen came home from get off work, the first thing he saw was the jade bracelet on her wrist, and he grabbed her hand and asked, "Is this the item that was photographed at today's charity meeting?"

 “Brother, do you know everything?”

 “How can we hide any information about such a huge charity banquet?”

Not to mention that someone would convey the news to him, even the reporters at the charity meeting today would report these things. After all, Madam Ye was the person with the highest price in the auction.

“Brother, do you think it’s too much for me to treat her like this?”

"Things between you are complicated. I don't force you to get close. I just hope you can coexist peacefully."

 If there are only two people in the world that Ye Xichen cares about most.

 Besides his beloved wife, the other one is of course the mother who gave birth to him and raised him.

 No matter what his mother's character is, the blood relationship cannot be separated.

"In the past two years, my mother's temper has calmed down a lot. If possible, I hope you can reconcile." Probably because there is no cold night now, Mrs. Ye feels more peaceful in her heart.

 Ye Weiwei nodded and said truthfully: "I'll try my best."

Years of accumulated resentment cannot be eliminated overnight, but people living in this world cannot be immersed in the past, and the future is ever-changing. She also hopes to slowly eliminate the grudge between her and Mrs. Ye.

“Okay, don’t worry too much now, just wait and be my most beautiful bride at the wedding.”

 “How can you be beautiful even if you have a big belly?”

Ye Xichen held her cheek and kissed her, "You are beautiful at any time."

Brother Chen’s earthy love words



 (End of this chapter)

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