My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 962: Where do you put your hands?

Chapter 962 Where are your hands going?

Yu Anran answered honestly: "No plan."

 “Then what do you think of me?”

“…” After being speechless, he could only reply: “I haven’t considered it.”

“Well, An Ran, you are always really direct when rejecting people.” Xiao He smiled and did not let the two of them stay in an awkward state.

Xiao He began to greet the other two people, "Hey, hey, I said we are here to have a dinner today, not to see you show affection. You have enough."

 The couple smiled at each other and finally merged into their conversation.

Yu Anran would never chat or laugh with others whether at a business banquet or a class reunion. The reason she was willing to have dinner with her and the others now was just to solidify her connections. .

Although it seems that there is no direct connection in business, there is no guarantee when these connections will be needed.

Yu Anran did not come here just for fun, but to make full use of the value of this meal.

 After the small dinner party, the couple walked away.

 Leave Xiao He and Yu Anran behind. As a man, Xiao He must of course be a gentleman and offer to send the lady home.

But Yu Anran refused, "Thank you for your kindness, I can go back by myself."

Yu Anran also worked in the student union before. The head of a certain department often had work handovers with Xiao He, the chairman of the student union.

 So Xiao He also knew something about her. Although Yu Anran was not strong, she was definitely not a soft girl.

 She acts calmly and has her own opinions.

Since Yu Anran said no, it really means no need, and he didn’t mean to pretend to be polite at all.

 Xiao He understood this about Yu Anran and quickly compromised without holding back.

Xiao He told her, "Okay then, send me a message when you get home safely."

 “Okay.” Yu Anran agreed to this simple request without hesitation.

 The two of them went home in different directions, almost in opposite directions.

But both of them need to wait for the bus, and they have to wait at one point.

Unwilling to be left alone, Xiao He took the initiative to talk to Yu Anran, "Anran, you are really different now than you were at school before."

 “People always have to grow.”

 There are obvious changes in both the way we dress and the way we behave.

  When she was in school, her clothes were only in black and white. Apart from regular shirts and trousers, they were loose and sporty. Her hair was pulled up. Because she never smiled, she looked a little indifferent.

 Now she is wearing a long skirt and exquisite makeup, and her long shawl hair adds a bit of feminine charm to her whole person.

  She is a mature woman and very... seductive!

 No one can deny this.

 Especially in the eyes of mature men, it is even more exciting.

“An Ran, you said you wanted to be a single aristocrat when you were in school, but you have changed your mind now. Are your family members not urging you?”

 “So what?” Yu Anran asked back.

The eloquent Xiao He almost choked at her tone and chuckled twice randomly, seeming to be in a very happy mood, "I take back what I just said, you really haven't changed at all."

 Yu Anran: “…”

 He is the one who says that things have changed a lot, and he is the one who says that he has not changed at all.

 But whether she has changed or not, what is the point of debate? After all, there is only Yu Anran in this world.

 The cool breeze at night brushed against her cheeks and blew up Yu Anran's strands of hair.

 A trace of black hair sticks to her cheek.

Xiao He raised his hand and slowly approached her cheek.

A dark shadow flashed before his eyes, Xiao He's hand was twisted back, and a man's voice with gritted teeth came to his ear, "Where are you going to touch your hand?"

 (End of this chapter)

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