My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 966: Borrow the bathroom

Chapter 966: Borrow the bathroom

Yu Anran took the initiative to kiss her, but Beiye actually pushed her away.

At that moment, the loss and confusion flashing through Yu Anran's eyes made people feel sad.

"Ran Ran."

Bei Ye called her, but Yu Anran suddenly reached out to push him away and opened the car door from the other side.

 When her feet were almost touching the ground, Beiye pulled her from behind and said, "Of course, I'll take you home."

Yu Anran shook his head without saying a word, and his eyes became more wary of him, perhaps because of the rejection just now.

At this moment, Yu Anran is like a child, she needs someone to coax her.

Beiye jumped out of the car with her, but did not let her run away.

"Of course, I have no intention of rejecting you. The matter has not been settled yet, I..."

 “You bitch, come out here!”

Before Kitano finished his soft-spoken words, a rude voice interrupted him, and he was very angry.

Yu Anran immediately recognized the voice of the driver who had just met and molested her. She was so frightened that she immediately covered her ears and shook her head, resisting hearing the voice.

The man got drunk after being stimulated. Now he couldn't control himself and started barking randomly.

Yu Anran, who suffered from sequelae, screamed and squatted down.

Her reaction caught Kitano off guard.

 “Tell him to shut up!”

Bei Ye roared and did not hear the voice of the wretched driver again.

The frightened Yu Anran erected sharp thorns all over her body and wrapped herself tightly, not allowing anyone to come close, otherwise she would be pricked by the sharp thorns on her body.

 But Bei Ye is not afraid.

“Of course, please stay awake, no one can hurt you, I will always be by your side.”

Bei Ye put his arms around her thin body and realized how fragile she was.

I have experienced too many hardships these days. Not only has my physical health been seriously damaged, but my mental ability to bear it has also been suppressed, until I exploded just now!

This dark place is definitely not a good place to chat.

 Kitano picked him up easily and asked the driver to drive back to where he lived after getting in the car.

The lights in the room were bright and warm, which made Yu Anran feel better.

She is still relatively strong, at least she can listen to everything others say and think about it.

The room Kitano took her into was the blue new room that had been specially prepared for celebrating the wedding. There were also a few photos of the two of them hanging in the room.

Although Yu Anran hasn’t been here for a long time, this place is very clean and full of people, as if people live here every day.

“There are only two of us here, this is our home, do you remember?”

Beiye followed the temptation and did not mention what happened in the woods just now in front of her.

Yu Anran's mood gradually stabilized, and her face returned to normal, but there was still a trace of fear in her eyes.

 During this period, Kitano held her hand and never let go.

“Can I borrow the bathroom?” Yu Anran looked down at her dirty appearance, feeling disgusted.

"You don't have to be so polite to me. This is your home. You know where the bathroom is, and there are clean bath towels in there. You go first and I'll find some clothes for you, okay?"


Perhaps because of what happened today, Yu Anran rarely refused him indifferently.

Yu Anran had lived here for a while, so he naturally had a deep memory of the layout. He went straight to the bathroom, waited until he entered, closed the door tightly, and locked it.

 (End of this chapter)

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