My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 971: Dress up carefully before meeting guests

Chapter 971 Dress up carefully and meet the guests

"Of course, you just promised to let me stay with you to protect you. If you admit it personally, you can't go back on it."

“At that time, I was scared and couldn’t hear clearly so I nodded.”

"But I take it seriously!" Kitano's attitude was extremely firm. "If you care so much because you like me, then I would rather you be cruel and heartless and forget about your reluctance to leave me. Be an unintentional person and use me to treat you at will. Anything good is fine.”

 All he wanted was to let him stay and give him a chance to protect her.

 Hearing Bei Ye’s firm words like an oath, Yu Anran closed her eyes weakly.

 Turn around and burst into tears.

How could she not know Bei Ye's heart? Even though she was hurt because of it, her sincerity was almost held in front of her for her to recognize. How could she not see it.

 But, there is no future.

 You will not be happy with her...

This night is destined to be a sleepless night.

By the time he woke up the next morning, Yu Anran's mood had recovered a lot.

 She went to the police station to give a statement according to normal procedures, telling the truth about the crimes of the wretched driver.

But the driver insisted that he was drunk and causing trouble, and attempted a crime while unconscious. The crime was much smaller.

 Who is Ke Yu Anran?

 As a student of the Department of Political Science and Law, she has an in-depth understanding of the law. As long as the driver is a wrongdoer, she can raise questions from all aspects and convict the driver.

 Not only fines, but also detention.

The driver was silenced by Yu Anran and kept screaming in dissatisfaction.

In the end, the policeman who detained him gave him a "kindly" advice, "Don't worry, she has connections with the higher authorities, but she is a law major. Are you arguing with her? Just wait for it to fall into place."

Confronting the law with Yu Anran, she can naturally use tricks to lure you into the situation.

The driver who was locked up in the police station was whining and screaming, but he never had a chance to turn around.

 After handling this matter, Yu Anran did not stay at Beiye's home.

 She returned home the next day, which happened to be Saturday.

 Mrs. Yu has been giving orders to people to do something since morning.

 “Mom, is there anything going on at home today?”

“Soon, there will be guests coming to the house. Why don’t we prepare quickly? We can’t neglect it.”


 Preparing to welcome guests, for Yu Anran, this matter has nothing to do with her.

 She would rather read two more political science-related books in the room to fill herself up, or write one more planning project...

 But Mrs. Yu is not going to let her go.

"An Ran, go back to your room and change your clothes. Even though you are receiving guests at home, you must not lose your etiquette."


Yu Anran lowered his head and looked at what he was wearing, white and black pants, very casual.

Although it is not dignified enough, it is not rude. Do you need to dress as dignified and solemn when receiving guests at home as you do outside?

Not allowing Yu Anran to think too much, Mrs. Yu directly called the Yu family's exclusive designer to pick out clothes for her and specially styled her hair as if she was going to a party.

"Mom, aren't you just meeting guests at home? Why do you want me to dress like this? It's too restrictive."

“You kid. Think about it, people coming all the way to visit our Yu family must have been carefully prepared. As hosts, we have to be more rigorous in order to show respect.”

  “…” seems to make sense.

"Okay, there is news from the guard. People are already outside the door. Come out quickly after packing up."

 (End of this chapter)

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