My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 973: You arouse a man's desire to conquer

Chapter 973 You arouse men’s desire to conquer

 “Want us to meet and, if appropriate, develop a relationship?”

 “Sorry, I don’t need to develop any relationships.”

“An Ran, you are really heartless.” Xiao He said this with a smile.

Yu Anran might have to say a few tactful greetings when meeting a complete stranger, but when meeting an old acquaintance, there is no need to be merciful and directly say, "Did we have feelings before?"

Xiao He asked: “Does the friendship of classmates at the same school for four years count?”

Yu Anran: "Oh."


"You are still like this. The title of King Lengchang given to you is truly worthy of the name."

 “So what?” She doesn’t care about you.

Xiao He said: "I know you don't care. Excellent people have their own personalities, and so do you."

 His words came from the sincerity and were not meant to be sarcastic.

Yu Anran was a little absent-minded, or she was not sad about these things in the first place, so she didn't care.

Xiao He observed her face and expression. After the two walked for a while, they picked a place to stop and stand for a while.

Xiao He curiously raised the question in his mind: "But I'm a little curious. Didn't the man yesterday say he was your boyfriend? Why does your mother seem to have no idea at all?"

  When Yu Anran mentioned this, he raised his eyes, and his eyes became a little colder.

 “This is my business.”

“It seems that Enron’s secrets are hidden very deep.”

Xiao He still remembered the man last night. Judging from his dress and demeanor, he seemed to be extraordinary. If he was in a good relationship, Yu Anran would boldly tell his family that he was the man. There was no reason to wait for Mrs. Yu to find ways to arrange a marriage for her.

 The possible explanation is that Yu Anran has a bad relationship with the man, or Mrs. Yu disagrees.

According to Yu Anran's character, if she had no interest in that person at all, she would not allow that person to use her to pretend to lie. But Yu Anran did not avoid the man's touch, indicating that the relationship was somewhat close.

But if Mrs. Yu doesn't know, then he still has a chance to get close to this unique woman - Yu Anran.

“An Ran, do you know that your character is actually very charming?”

Xiao He asked Yu Anran this question.

Yu Anran frowned, "I am a very boring person, as everyone who has been in contact with me knows."

Xiao He shook his head, "No, no, no, if they think so, they must not really know you."

 “The real me, as you can see, is nothing special.”

“Wrong. You don’t understand. When a man has a desire to conquer a woman, it proves that the woman has her own unique charm.”

Yu Anran has an aloof temperament, but her internal and external conditions are both attractive and desirable. Such a woman can especially arouse the desire to conquer in a man.


 In fact, the so-called old friends of Mrs. Yu and Xiao He’s mother were high school classmates. Xiao He’s mother’s husband was promoted and transferred to work in City S, so the Xiao family moved here, and the two recognized each other as if by fate.

We chatted for a while and quickly talked about family and children. I felt that the other person had a good status and was from the same school and major, so I started to match him up.

 Mrs. Yu and Xiao He’s mother deliberately emphasized that they were old friends in an attempt to bring the children closer to each other.

Yu Anran and Xiao He looked at each other, but there was no good spark.

  When the adult asked insinuatingly how they were getting along, Xiao He glanced at Yu Anran with a smile on his face, "Anran is a very good girl. I hope my aunt will allow me to pursue your daughter."

 (End of this chapter)

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