My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 976: Bridesmaid and groomsmen candidates

Chapter 976 Bridesmaids and Best Man Candidates

"Well...but the best man we have chosen is Brother Luo."

Ye Weiyi told Gong Qianli the truth directly. If there were no other bridesmaids, it would be her as a bridesmaid and Nangong Luo as a best man.

Gong Qianli was a little frustrated, "It's such a good opportunity, but it's not possible."

“There’s nothing I can do about it. I also think it’s best for Brother Luo to be the best man. He is a must-have!”

 “Can’t you replace someone?”

“Liuli, do you think it’s appropriate to substitute someone else?”

"It's not appropriate... ugh, okay." She was just saying it. After all, everyone knows the brotherhood between Nangong Luo and Ye Xichen for so many years. When these brothers get married, they will not allow anyone else to be the best man when the time and place are favorable. It just doesn’t make sense.

Gong Qianli had no choice but to put her mind on Xia Xiyun, and kept urging her to agree, "Yunyun, this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, you can be the bridesmaid, and then you can add a best man. How great. ”

Xia Xiyun declined her tactfully.

“I would also like to, but whether I can go that day is a very serious question. I really can’t be a bridesmaid.”

 On the wedding day, the bridesmaid should accompany the bride for the entire day.

But Xia Xiyun really couldn't decide her own time, and even attending the wedding had to be squeezed out, so she could only refuse such a good thing.

 In the end, it was confirmed that there would only be one bridesmaid and one best man.

Yu Anran didn’t say much. After reading the messages in the group, he quietly exited the page.

 At this time, the servant at home brought her a bowl of medicine, "Miss, this is the medicine prescribed by the doctor today."

 Ever since Mrs. Yu learned about Yu Anran's physical condition that she could not get pregnant, she hired a doctor who specialized in treating infertility symptoms at a high price to take care of her body.

Yu Anran couldn't refuse her mother's kindness, and she also longed for a cure, so no matter whether the medicine prescribed by the doctor was sweet or bitter, she would drink it.

 But after drinking this bowl, I still couldn't help but frown, "It's so bitter."

“Good medicine tastes bitter but is good for the disease. Miss, are you feeling better recently?”

 “Not sure yet, let’s wait for more time.”

 When she gets her next menstrual period, she will know whether these medicines can regulate her coldness.

“Counting the time, it’s only in these few days.”

 Time is calculated correctly.

Yu Anran was still thinking about seeing the effect during her menstrual period in a few days, but she turned red at night.

 She began to feel uncomfortable in her stomach, as if she was back to the time when she suffered from colds and illnesses every month.

 She could still bear it during dinner in the evening, but Mrs. Yu, who had been paying attention to her, still noticed the clues.

 “Are you feeling unwell again?”


As long as she lives in the Yu family, this kind of thing will definitely not be hidden.

 When she rested at night, Mrs. Yu stayed with her in the room for a while.

 It’s just started now, it’s not very uncomfortable, just a dull pain, so she can still hold on.

When she got up early the next day, Mrs. Yu directly forbade her from going to the company, "Don't go to work these days."

“The board of directors is going to be held today, and I can’t not attend without any reason.”

 “You are not without reason!”

Mrs. Yu's attitude was very firm, "You must know how to take care of your own body. Others will not pay attention to you so wholeheartedly."

Even if you go to the company even if you are sick, those shareholders will not care how tired you are, but they will care whether you make enough money.

Yu Anran nodded, "Okay then."

Mrs. Yu is going out now.

But coincidentally, she received a call from Xiao He's mother as soon as she left the house.

Xiao He is the one responsible for promoting An Ran and Kitano to be together!



 (End of this chapter)

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